
Monday, July 13, 2009

July 13th, 2009

Good evening!
The surgery was bright and early this morning. After entering the operating room, it was like seconds before I was out. Surprisingly this time I did not talk too much, try to escape and cant even remember them dressing me or going to the recovery room at all. The procedure took about half the amount of time as previously. The trip home was unpleasant. I was incredibly hot and overheating and more nauseous than probably ever. I sat by the toilet for quote a while, but never got sick. Then I got in bed and was fast out for like 5 hours. We were lazy this afternoon and watched movies and took it easy. I called the doc this afternoon to check and make sure I knew all what was supposed to happen in the future and see how today went. Good and bad news....the procedure went well and the eggs are healthy and mature, but only 4. I was stunned last time we had either 5 or 6, and we doubled my meds this round and made 4. Scary but still exciting. I had my first progesterone injection this evening. The injection is oil and the needle is huge, so this set of injections is by far the most painful. I return to school tomorrow and I have 2 days until the transfer. Please Pray for our little embryos and their health. We are excited, anxious, faithful, nervous, joyful, scared all at the same time. The excitement for a baby Johnson is increasing!

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