
Saturday, August 29, 2009

August 29th, 2009

Howdy! I realize attempting to take a picture one week after the fact does not do justice to my arm. Lats week when they took blood they could not get the vein to stop bleeding leaving an inflated bruise about 6 inches long down my arm. This is over a week later and hard to see given my camera skills, but pretty nasty either way. The DepotLupron has had a few wild side effects, but we keep agreeing that these sacrifices are nothing compared to the opportunity to have a child. I have experienced incredible hot/cold flashes, and earth shaking insomnia, both very expected. The one I have difficulty with is the weight gain. I have been on an organic fresh foods diet of about 1000 calories and work out with a trainer for 1.5 hours a day and steadily my weight has gone up. I have never been all about the skinny girl image, but I always have been about health, and eating/working out so hard has proven to not combat Lupron. I find it hard to eat spinach for lunch, run 6 miles, lift for 30 minutes, and gain a pound in that time. Frustrating. I can only imagine eating normal, and not working out every day what would happen. Don't want hubby to come home to fatty wife! Only 6 more weeks or so, if they stop extending it over and over!
Look into the future...Tyler and I have looked into and filled out original paperwork for either infant domestic adoption, or adopting from Ethiopia...more on that to come....

Promise to keep everyone updated more often and apologize for not doing so more.

Monday, August 17, 2009

August 17th, 2009

After many sweet and caring friends and family full of advice, we had our first Depo Luron shot today. I spoke forever with the doc explaining my fears, and they all agree we are grasping for straws as a last resort. I had all my side effect stories to share, and they had plenty of ammunition as well. How there are awful stories, yet the actual percentage of people they apply to is beyond slim. They said the only thing they can equate the "crazy Depo ladies" to is the groups opposed to children receiving vaccinations. How they can not prove there is any relation between vaccinations and autism, but all over the media and protest proclaim it. The side effects these women claim, have never been medically linked to DepoLupron, and might be from other meds or events. I was more than reassured. If this is the last option we have that has not been tried we hate to lay down and give up, plus the fact we have tried every other medical opportunity, we did not want to forgo our last option. However, we would love for continued prayers and support. Those of you super close to me I will keep you updated, as our fears of side effects are still very real and I want to keep my girlfriends watching my health. Since our first date Ty and I have sought guidance and will of Our Lord, and tried to uphold His laws in our relationship, and have this overwhelming peace as a result of the seeds we have sewn. Our hardships have over and over again become blessings of His hand. Love yall!

Monday, August 10, 2009

August 10th, 2009

I am seeking advice. Ty and I have been taught to seek wise council in a position like this and need some help. Today I authorized and paid for my DepoLupron(the injections to start menopause) to save eggs until Ty is home and we have a better plan. However, I wanted to do my homework and started researching the drug, only to find horrifying and I mean life threatening and terrifying side effects. I know ever drug is different for everyone, but take a look at this site and the repercussions. If you were in my position what would you do? Love you and praying for heavenly wisdom and intervention...

Saturday, August 8, 2009

August 6th, 2009


Today I was cleaning out my purse and moving everything to my new fabulous purse!!! In the meantime I came across these receipts in my wallet, all from the same stinky day. Very scary thought to start putting them together and realizing a grand total. But like Ty says " We will never put a price on family!" As crazy as it is we are looking forward to future opportunities and hope for another round in early November!! Whoop!!!! Thank you to all those praying and supporting us. Ty sends out a special thanks to those friends and family of ours who have demonstrated an awesome model for what we want our family to one day be. Have an amazing God filled weekend everyone!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

August 5th,2009

I had a doctor appointment today with Dr. G and the appointment was wild. First I had the ultrasound and he said most everything looked great. His only concern was a few cyst left over from the egg retrieval, but he expects those to be healed by next week. Then came the woah part. He brought in all my files, like the thickness of encyclopedias. We reviewed every single step we have been thru up until this point. He said I am a tough case because of the Stage 4 endometriosis, but also because when the embryos are that perfect it almost always works. He walked though everything, we reviewed all the ultrasound pics and surgery pics again. One concern we both shared was how few eggs I produce during IVF(about 20% of what is expected). He explained how IVF for a healthy woman my age is usually a guarantee because they average 20-25 eggs, fertilize them all, and then every month put a few in are pregnant. However, with my case we only get enough eggs to put them right back in and start all over next try. Then he broke the difficult news, he said based on all the ultrasounds, folliceles and everything, his team have spoken back and forth across the US and believe I am going to go through menopause prematurely in the next 4, max of 5 years. I do not have many eggs left and the clock is really ticking...hello I am in my 20s! He is afraid of IVF wasting eggs right now, because it increases estrogen which promotes the endometriosis from coming back, and produces ,an increases amount of eggs, when I do not have many to waste. He said for now while Ty is gone we need to save eggs and stop the endometriosis from getting any worse so I will go on birth control and the DepoLurpon again to send my body into artificial menopause. Then, I will not have a period, in turn saving eggs, and drying up any endometriosis left from the surgeries. Basically buying time. Then, when Ty gets home try Clomid and IUIs again since IVF has proven to be outrageously expensive and not producing the outcome any of us have expected. Ty and I are excited for the next phase...a break from periods and trying, but still not wasting eggs in the meantime. Then when he returns I will come off the drugs and try with Clomid and IUIs for a few months and then IVF again in the spring. Wow, has this ever been a wild journey. We are forever thankful that our incredible God is carrying us through it all. The doc always jokes about how perky I am when my results have been so horrible...what could possibly bring us down we think...we are living out the plan God has for us and obeying His will. We have always bowed to his authority and timing, this is just another example of it. The peace we find in Him makes this yet another stepping stone. My excitement at the moment is just getting my goober home...hopefully exactly 2 months from today we will be in each others arms, and preparing for an exotic trip to an island we have yet to decide on..........WHOOP!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

August 4th,2009

Howdy Y'all!
I have an appointment tomorrow with Dr. Gelety for an ultrasound to make sure everything is going as expected. I will keep everyone updated on the results, decisions and follow ups, plus a consult for a second opinion elsewhere. Scary thought today to realize my medical bills for fertility and IVF have been more than my salary this year! WOW! Love yall.
...remember if you come across any friends, family, students, etc that have an unwanted pregnancy to spread the word that we are looking for a private adoption between us and the biological mother.