
Friday, May 20, 2011

These two crack us up!!!

We went to the play ground today and a group of preschoolers happened to be there, bad planning Mommy! I set Zeke down and literally 5 girls followed him around, not saying a single thing, or touching him, just parading after him. The teacher said that the girls are all about babies these days. I turn around and a group of boys are handing Taft transformers. he doesn't know what those are and just keeps accepting his "new gifts". I decided that letting 4-5 year olds mess with the boys was a bad idea, so I put them into toddler swings on the swing set. Go figure, the kids now want to push the babies in the swings. Zeke was all about it, and Taft wanted to have nothing to do with them.

The boys are now really into hide and seek. One will run off and hide and then the other will follow after in search of him. They have a whole like 5 places total they hide( between the sofa and the wall in the den, by the washing machine, in their tent, etc). I adore just sitting back and watching them hide and find each other and then just roar with laughter. Life doesn't get better. One of my favorites was when Taft knew where Zeke went to he took a sippy cup with him and instead of popping around the door frame to find him, he hid behind the door and just wiggled the cup in the door opening. He knew Zeke would give himself up grabbing the cup! Clever little monster!

We joined a new "Vail only" stay and play group. We had a blast and met other Vail families, including one military family. Watching the kids interact with other children is shocking. I guess they have never spent a single day of their life alone, so social skills are just built into them. I see other kids act like mutes and hide their toys, while my kiddos try and hug everyone and share everything. Right now this is adorable, but when they are preschoolers boundaries might need to be set more.

Urgent care:
We couldn't get and appointment at the pediatrician so we spent several hours at Urgent care the other day. Upon leaving we had not a single RX. Taft has his little chemical burn 3 weeks after tape removal. His kinesiotape left a perfect imprint of every stretch of elastic across his belly. he has super sensitive skin, but we never assumed this sensitive. I have a real fear that we will be 20 taking his shirt off to work out at the Rec center at Texas A&M and he has a giant X across his abdomen 10 shades darker than the rest of his skin, and everyone stares. "Oh no big deal, just a chemical burn when my therapist would tape up my belly at 15 months, that never went away!"
Zeke on the other hand, doesn't have any sort of actual pox they could diagnose. Ye she has a few pox, but they think it is just an irritation of some kind.

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