
Monday, April 11, 2011

You know you are a mom when...

Basically daily I have these little moments that were never part of my former self and I think the phrase "you know you are a mom when..."and fill it in with who knows what that given moment. Today was too funny not too share.
I bought the boys these carrot cake muffin cookie things. I feed them a piece and then the walk/crawl away to play, then return to my lap and sign "more" for another bite then go off to play again. Then after 10 minutes or so I look down and see little black droppings, to the Texas in me they look like deer poop. Then I realize the kids are eating the bites and spitting out the raisins, how could I forget they hate raisins. So what else does a mom do, but pick up the chewed up raisins right off the floor and eat them!

Pre-kid Nikki would have gagged at that story, Post-kid Nikki says "yeah why not!"

Wow how motherhood changes you!

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