
Thursday, June 18, 2009

June 18th, 2009

Good afternoon! I saw the doc again today and had yet another ultrasound and blood work. Then I went to the pharmacy to pick up most of my meds. The adorable pharmacist tried every way possible to see if insurance would cover the other meds, but to no avail, so again I ordered them off the Internet. Who knew little vials could be so expensive! I spilled out all my supplies on the living room floor, I attached a pic, because once again I was overwhelmed. One the syringes number in the hundreds it gets a tiny bit frightening! When I hold our precious goose for the first time, though the injections will be the last thing on my mind. The office called this afternoon and my progesterone had gone up, so starting today I take 20ml of Lupron into my tummy. Thankfully we start with the tiny needles and work up. We are thrilled and very hopeful, we hope everyone surrounding us is as well! Love you guys!

1 comment:

  1. I couldn't be more excited for you guys. Still praying!!!
