
Wednesday, May 5, 2010

May 5th, 2010

I had to share a funny "MOM Story"...
First of all the kids at school always call me mom, and one kid even said yeah we do that because we see you more often then we do our real mom...sad! However, I love more than anything to be that "mom" figure for all my precious kiddos regardless if they need or want it or not. Then, last Friday I took my kids on a field trip and while we are going 70 miles per hour down the highway the kids start screaming bloody murder. I turn around and a kid has puked in the aisle and it splashed all over multiple kids and then it comes rolling down the grooved aisle as we start to slow down. I never imagined holding a throw up bag, and pouring the absorbency crystals while 50 kids go wild screaming. As I get myself together along with a broom the kids said, "I am never going to be a teacher after seeing you deal with this" while another says "You are going to be a great mom". I never planned on cleaning a mess with 50 little witnesses to prove I can handle motherhood, but it did hit home to hear my kiddos say that. They are so excited and begging us to bring them to school, help name them, pick out clothes, etc. In many ways my students are my first real "kids" and we all find excitement in seeing those worlds collide. Love ya!!!

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