
Sunday, July 31, 2011

Praise God or Zeke can hear!

Sorry for the delayed updates, we have been much too busy, taking a slow down this week!
Last week Zeke and I spent several hours with multiple specialists at the Children's rehab center with a load of audiologist. They were more than patient and kid-friendly. Each specialist had an assistant who's primary job was to entertain Zeke and make him feel comfortable, even with wires coming and going every which way!A long time late...results have been revealed! Zeke has normal to nearly normal hearing! He can not hear extremely high or extremely low frequencies, but come to find out basically all super preemie babies can not hear those frequencies. Therefore, my little man is perfectly designed by our Creator and he is simply choosing to not speak and only sign. Praise God! I went to the appointment knowing God was in control, but knew I might hear the words "your son is deaf", I basically heard the opposite. We are grateful o our Lord for blessing little ZekeMan with the ability to hear laughter, worship, His word, music, his Mommy and Daddy's voices, etc!

On a silly note..yesterday the sitters commented that one of my boys was perfectly behaved, never cried, never was fiesty with the other children, took turns, etc. I basically had to cut them off and say "let me guess which one..TAFT?" Yep! My little Zeke is just as adorable but a bit over the top sensitive and wild!

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