
Monday, March 22, 2010

March 22nd, 2010

We are officially more than 1 month into the "wait", and expecting about 2 more month of prayer and anxiety before we get the big referral. What a great feeling to be so many months into the process knowing in only a few months we will know what our son/sons looks like. Today we received a letter that a grant we diligently applied for was rejected. At first it seemed to be a blow, but then we were praying at dinner of how the grant funding went to a deserving Christian family who must be struggling more than we are. Knowing another family who loves Christ will be able to bring home their son or daughter makes it all worth our loss. The connection we feel to other Christians called to adopt is unreal and we are thrilled that another family was blessed with assistance.
If you are wondering, no we are not pregnant. We left for Vegas thinking the possibility was great, then the typical early nonsense didn't happen, days went by and we were 3 days late....silly as it is we were over the top excited. Then, on the way home from Vegas signs were revealed that we were indeed not pregnant. As hard as that feeling used to seem, we are numb to it now. We know God has our ma-mush planned for us and we are thrilled at the challenge we face. We have already been in the talks of discontinuing fertility to save up for adopted Johnson #2. Ma-mush needs a sibling, blood or not, and we are praying for discernment and direction on baby #2. The other day we saw a little blurb on TV about children waiting to be adopted and I was grading papers and look over at my silent husband with his eyes overflowing with tears. Our heart is in adoption and every ounce of our being yearns and desires what God has called us to do.
Looking forward to our little ma-mush referral...any day now....

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