Manly but not
Check out the picture of Zeke sporting his favorite tool belt and holding a bunch of manly tools, but don't forget to look at his head. Yes he is a manly man with a woman headband on that he loves!
A group of ladies at MOPS commented on how I must be one of the most outgoing people that have ever met. Hello, they must have never met my children Taft and Zeke! Boy those kids are outgoing!!! The ladies that watch them at the gym asked me if they ever "stop talking"?
At the gym a toddler was in time out eating his crackers, and I am gathering our stuff and realize Zeke is standing next to the chair with his hands out making squeaking noises at him..basically begging for a cracker from Mr. Time out!
Tbone can stand
I know it seems little since he is 15 months old now, but he can push himself up to standing with out holding onto anything. The other day I was in the kitchen and turn around to him just standing watching me at the stove, not anywhere near the cabinets. I almost fainted, we are making progress! Check out the photo of him standing looking at his cow. The head got stuck under the door so no matter how hard he pulled the head wouldn't come underneath.
Zeke likes to use the push toy as a grocery cart. Notice his sippy cut in the handle. He puts toys in there and pushes them around like he is shopping.
Developmental Toys
We ordered a ton of developmental old school toys and when the shipment came in I am not sure who was more excited. Tbone is so obsessed with staking his nesting blocks and putting the colored shapes on the right pegs. Good choices Mommy!
The Dirty drain
For a month or so we have had a drain issue for the boys tub. Mommy the plumber fixed it, and I documented the event with my little helpers hanging over the edge watching me and handing me tools
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