Today was my first day of the real mom fear to swell up in me when I wasn't right by my little guys. I was sitting in church and one of the nursery workers runs in and says they need me ASAP. I basically tore through the church interrupting the sermon. Zeke was being silly running(yes we have mastered the sprint) after Mark, a nursery volunteer who is our friend. He tripped over his new big boy shoes and went head first into the wall. He had a giant goose egg, and was hysterical. By giant I mean giant(this terrible photo doesn't do justice), 5 hours later and it has not gone down one bit! Fortunately our pediatrician is also a friend and member of our church. Therefore, I hunted down poor Tara and made her assess my little man. She believes he is fine and called later to check up. Now the egg is all black. I had fears of Tyler's most recent concussion and the non stop vomit that happened afterward. Which in turn made me remember how he was so concerned when he got the cat scan that he told the tech, "I am concerned, because I am gifted, gifted in thinking!" I love that hubby of mine.
The shoes that made Zeke crash and burn. I spent an arm and a leg on Stride Rites, and go figure he can take them off, so I got the punk converse and he can't get them off, but the thick sole must have made his trip.So sad!
Oh girl, I love reading your blog because it reminds me of my own life with two littles! :) I laughed as I read all of the "tag-teaming" that was going on...just wait ;) I hardly ever answer the phone anymore these days because as soon as I get on it, they scatter and get into all sorts of things! :) They keep me on my toes but I love it, and I know you love it too! Its so good to see and read about them thriving and growing so well from your love and support! Blessings to you guys.