A few silly stories to share:
We finally got the SUV scheduled for repair form the accident a month or more back. Here is the schedule of events that occur ed in our little nightmare.
1. Take care seats out of Tyler's car to use in the rental car. Drive to collision center and Uncle Ryan meets us to drop off car and help install car seats in the rental.
2. No rental waiting, they are sending shuttle which kids cant ride in.
3. We all drive to the rental place.
4. Wait 30 or more minutes for someone to see us.
5. Go to rent and realize license is missing, so they can't rent to me.
6. Drive back home and destroy house looking for license.
7. Laura comes over to drive a car back up.
8. Reinstall car seats in little car.
9. I drive SUV, Laura drives little car.
10. Leave the SUV and all ride back in little car.
11. Few days later Laura returns and we drive back up there and she drives one car back down here. Seems easy if each trip one way wasn't 30 miles, 60 round trip!!!! Ahh!
Regardless car is repaired from first and only accident ever, lets hope!
Shopping cart:
While our car was in the shop to be repaired from our car accident we had to use the little car..aka we can't bring the stroller anywhere. However, we must get groceries. Therefore one boy sits in the front with the cart cover and the other stands in the cart. Yikes! I am sure people wanted to video how insane it was with Zeke throwing things back out as I was putting them into the cart. I get up to the counter to pay need to tell the cashier, "yes I know most everything is destroyed, we did it, so charge us full price". As I say this I am unloading smashed bananas, opened lunchables, and........an avocado with a bit missing. Yes an entire bite! Tbone bit the avocado and ate it, skin and all! Gross!
Water leak:
Recently I noticed when the drip system goes off in the afternoon the yard starts collecting water. Several days later and the water not evaporating between days has caused Lake Johnson! Tyler calls the plumbing director from CE who shows up the next day to fix the leak. Unfortunately, the leak was under the driveway so required plenty of labor. Next thing i know Chuck, the plumber, 2 of my neighbors and Uncle Ryan are all helping while my little men throw goldfish and holler. Praise God for having such a great support system to show up and show our family love like that!
Taft has a HUGE belly. So huge every doctor has questioned what tests have been run to diagnose the abnormality. We scheduled an ultrasound to make sure everything is ok. I assumed it was like all the ultrasounds I had when I was "pregnant" that lasted 5 minutes and are super relaxing. I guess that part of me forgot he is 1! They needed good views of every organ in his abdomen from all sides individually. Therefore, like 50 still images! He didn't want to sit still and I literally had to sit on the exam table with my legs holding his legs and arms holding his while he screamed. the only way to calm him was to sing some of his favorite songs. The tech felt so bad that next thing i know she is singing all of the songs right along with me to help calm Taft..how sweet! Results..he is Perfect, as expected!
I recently noticed that there was a change in my molar, so scheduled a non routine dental appointment. If course, they don't want to let my kids come back so our dear friend Jessica agreed to watch the kids in the waiting room with us, while I went to the exam. Nikki...filling popped out, replacement filled in right on the spot. Jessica..much different story! In the 30 min I was gone, all heck broke loose for her! I come out and she says "Sorry your baby is naked"! I look over and next to the stroller is Taft with only a diaper, sandals and his bright blue therapy bands strapped across his big belly...no clothes! She tells me, as she laughs hysterically, that as soon as I walk back he started tooting nasty and stiffening his legs, obviously making a big poop. She went out to the car to change him and the poop is pure liquid and was everywhere..up his back, down his tummy, etc! Poor thing just had to ball up his diaper and clothes and let his stay naked. Poor girlfriend of mine. As if my wild man hasn't been birth control enough for a few couples I am afraid he has done it again for poor Jessica and Kevin. Sorry Jess! We love you and hope you remember 99% of the time we are adorable and funny, only 1% of the time poopy and gross! Check out the post poop picture of his ride home. He must have been proud of that poop..look at that smile!
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