Well it seems like we just posted, but so many things have changed since then:
1. We had our weight and development check up. Taft went from the 12% in weight to 17%..woohoo, our little monster is getting bigger! However, he still doesn't want to stand with out holding something or take steps on his own. Can he, YES, does he willfully, NO! Therefore, or adorable doc has referred us to a physical therapist who works with the kiddos at home. We have our evaluation and first therapy both scheduled for next week, and it should be about twice a week until he caught up to speed with his peers. Research shows Ethiopians are the most hard headed and stubborn culture in the world.. well we think Taft might be the most stubborn of all Ethiopians as well, but at least he is putting meat on those little bones.
Little Zekey..is yes a little Zekey. He gained approximately 1/2 of a pound in the past month, so he fell from the 3rd to the 1st percentile. He is healthy and not malnourished, just TINY. We are starting back with Mandy our feeding therapist again next week as well. So thankful all these therapist are willing to drive 45 min to visit my precious men.
2. We had the car accident inspected and go figure the deductible is 1000 and the damage is 1025..hmm, sounds fishy to me!
3. Taft has increased his vocabulary it now includes Zekey very clearly, and a mumbled goofy sounding thank you.
4. We are ready for EASTER. First off the best little auntie in the world is spending Easter week with us, but also we are so excited! We are reading and teaching the kids about the resurrection and pray for their salvation and discipleship daily. Plus we are getting ready on the goofy wordly way as well, practicing finding Easter eggs, blooming daffodils and breaking cascarones!
5. Bountiful baskets, a friend from church told us about it, and it is FABULOUS! You contribute 15 dollars on the web, and then meet at the local middle school on Saturday to pick up an entire laundry basket of locally grown farmers market produce. I took a picture of what we got today we were so excited.
6. We are artists, we color with crayons and markers, well color with them and eat them. Plus we use stickers, sometimes they make it on the paper, sometimes just onto our faces!
For about a month he has been testing himself by letting go of furniture and balancing alone then taking 2-3 steps. We have gotten up to 4-5, then today all of a sudden he learned to stand with out pulling up on furniture at all. He just pops up and takes off. He maxed out at about 35 steps in a row, including stopping to pick up an Easter egg and then keep going. WOAH..not only can he walk, he walks far and can balance to pick up a toy and then continue. Literally in 24 hours he went from our baby to our grown toddler! After TOO many tests, he was determined to be between 2-3 months premature, closer to 3 we were told...so our little monkey is cruising well before he should given his adjusted age!!!! WOOHOO!!!
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