
Thursday, March 31, 2011

Adoption rocks!

I have started to think that my children are celebrities in hiding or something. Seriously not yet have we gone anywhere where people don't ask about them. At church every week, we have been members for YEARS and everyone knows the boys, yet we get stopped with oohhs ahhs and questions, the gym that we go to same time same day, still mobbed with questions and asking to touch and hold. Wow...I might invest in the masks that Michael Jackson put over his kids face just so I can run an errand or two. However, the other day we went into pick up a few of Tyler's uniforms we had tailored and all the little seamstress ladies came running out to see and giggle. Then, this customer started asking questions and was so sweet saying how blessed we and the boys were, then asked for a hug and I noticed she was teary eyed. I just wanted to escape the mob, but then she told me she was just in love with how I treated the boys and really loved them as my own, because when she was a teenager she gave up her daughter from an unplanned pregnancy. How bold and brave. I bet she has thought of that girl and her adoptive family every day for decades. What an honor for her to share!

Zeke had a follow-up with the ENT and will also go under the knife to have tubes put in his ears and adenoids removed in May. Scary, yes, but Taft just had that done a few weeks ago, so I can handle kiddo #2. But, T-bone is the wild tough kid, and Zekey is the sensitive one, so Little guy will need all the prayers in the world.

Taft had his physical therapy evaluation and first hour of actual therapy today. First off, thank God for house calls, knowing this will be a regular event of therapy and that she will be a big part of our life from here on out feels good knowing she will just be in our home and not dragging the boys across the town. Taft's head has always been about the 98th percentile, but his body has averaged about the 7th percentile or so since coming him. His little body couldn't hold up his enormous head, so he has learned HORRIBLE compensation techniques. His spine and back do not hold his head he literally pivots his chest up to lean his head back. In turn his shoulders are rolled forward and his shoulder blades are really raised. His huge tummy that always concerned us, is not because he is fat, it is due to having 0 ab strength and there are no muscles to contact his big bowling ball. She showed me if we tip him forward into like a push up position off the floor he can't pull himself up because he has no ab or back strength. Then, when he crawls the only muscles that contact are his pecs which are way over developed because he has been compensating. Therefore, he can't walk, because he can't stand because he has no core strength. These horrible compensating methods have gotten him this far and that is it, he will not walk or stand or play ball, etc until he learns stability and builds the proper strength. He will seriously damage his back/posture permanently is something is not changed asap...enter Marge!!!!! She is fabulous and worked so well with Taft. He was giggling when she was doing the exercises while Zeke cried because Taft was getting all her attention. She and I are teaming up and starting from newborn skills. He needs to learn all over again how to hold his head up,then sit up, then crawl properly, then stand and eventually walk right. The heartbreaking news was it cold be another 6 months until he walks. She said he could potentially learn how to walk with incorrect form, and then it would be just another skill to relearn properly. Therefore, delaying walking until he has proper control could actually be a good thing. We have a long road ahead of us, and are thankful to Marge and the early diagnosis. She couldn't stop talking about how developed he is in every other area, and how she has never worked with such a joyful what is we don't walk right on track, we have traits others will never enjoy!!!!!

On a poo of a note...USAA called about the accident and the guy who hit my car claimed he was parked and that I was the one moving to bumped him. I claimed we were both backing out, because we were. Therefore, with no witness and no police report the case must go to arbitration, but USAA is scared because how can they prove anything..I admitted half fault, the guy said it was entirely my fault, so we don't have much of a case. Considering just dropping the claim and paying out of pocket to get the car fixed. USAA guy said it is sad, but really if I had lied and said I was parked and he was moving it would have worked better for us. How does A LIE pay off...bizarre! The fact that it was a military guy only leaves a worst taste in my mouth. The US has such a poor/disrespectful view of the military, and then for a military guy to lie like that I start to see why. We fight for respect for the military daily, and guys like that make our one step forward move 10 steps back...poo on you mr liar pants!

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