The three of us have now been without a daddy or hubby for over 2 weeks..I know long time and no postings. Parenting all alone takes approximately 30 hours a day! Yeah I said 30..more time than even exists! After a fabulous 2 weeks spending every waking second together we took Tyler to the airport on March 6th..from that minute things went sour. We got in line and the American lady was in training..first day on the job! She entered and re-entered and then re-entered Tyler's info and had to wait for the other tellers to help her me than 4 times, I stopped counting and the fire started shooting out my ears after a solid 40 minutes in line with 2 screaming children. hen at security we had a gate pass, and go figure the diaper bag had a tiny Sigg bottle of formula, so we get pulled out of line and searched and they need to get a manager, etc. All the time being..the clock is ticking! I beg the guy to just throw away the bottle, seriously my husband is leaving for a year buddy! He acts like the bottle costs me $1000 and desperately wants me to wait in hopes the managers manager will let me have it back..wow little does he know I have much bigger fish to fry on my plate! We get to the gate and say our final goodbyes. As Tyler walks away the four of us are all crying and I lance over my shoulder so are all the people watching us say goodbye. We were like our own little sappy movie playing out for all the airport to watch and cry over. I get out of the gate area and realize Tyler is on the plane with my car keys..OH NO! I run back and Tyler gets off the plane to give them to me, one more hug and kiss, a few more tears, and a
final goodbye.
From that minute on...I have become super mom! Balancing everything on my plate is pretty bizarre, but let me tell you I am enjoying every moment of it. Somedays I stay in my sweaty gym clothes until midnight, the hardwood floors are not shined every other day..but the boys and I dance, wrestle, walk, work out, worship, pray, eat, bake, shop, swim...and have the time of our lives just enjoying life. Daddy is gone, yes that is a fact, but life goes on. I can't stop living joyfully and planning fun baby dates, because I don't have a spouse to share that with. I have 2 little buddies I have committed my life to. I have held up storing until...
2 days later..Taft realized that Daddy on Skype is not DADDY! He went room to room asking for "Daddy???" He peeked in each room and then would go to the next asking where his daddy was. Heartbreaking! I pray he understands one day the sacrifice his daddy is making for our family and thousands of other families.
Since that day we have had a few milestones:
1. Taft had ear tubes put in and adenoids taken out..our friends warned us who used the same doc that her son stayed 24 hours because it was so hard on him in the hospital. When I walked back after surgery, and Jessica watched Zekey, he was limp and his eyes kept rolling back and crossing, scariest moment of my life. 3 nurses tried to hold him down and gave him loads of Demerol, finally I got in bed with him and we got him to fall asleep. Fast forward an hour....I thought he was asleep in the car..nope! I get out at Walgreens to get the RX and he smiles ear to ear and asks for cookies...no seriously he wanted, AND ATE, a cookie an hour after his breathing tube came out! 30 min later he threw the dishes out of the dishwasher all over the floor, didn't take a nap and was a typical little monster. Can you say tough kid????!!!!
2. Memaw and Pepaw visit..we went to the Grand Canyon for Memaw and Pepaws first time, saw March snow, played on playgrounds, went to church, played at the water table, had visitors at multiples group, stayed in a glamorous timeshare, saw the red rocks of sedona, played at out of Africa wildlife park, etc!
3. Shame on Mommy..Taft has his first tumble, and it is Mommy's fault! At the wildlife park Tbone was in the stroller and threw out his beloved cow on the gravel, I reached for it and so did Taft...well Taft wasn't buckled in(the shame on mommy part, since daddy would have never let that happen) and his face hit the gravel. He has little gravel scratches on his face and what looks to me like a tiny sign of a black eye. I think I have cried more than he has...boohoo...
4. The car behind me at the wildlife park and myself started backing out of our parking spots at the same time and POW..we hit! The family next to us had their wild children running all over, and both the other driver and me were simply watching the kids...SO WE DIDN'T SMASH AN UNRULY KID...and instead smashed each other in our blind spot..another thing that wouldn't have happened if Ty was here, because I NEVER DRIVE, HE DOES! So a little scratch later I was in my first wreck!
So a few little bummers...but life goes on and God is good! Look on the bright side we Skype Tyler nightly, talk probably 10 times a day, have our health and 2 amazing children, God is good!
Prayer request: Please pray for Ethiopia orphans and adoption. As of March 10th they have reduced adoption by 90%, for a multitude of reasons. We had already started seeking God's word on the possibility of Johnson Baby #3 ad with the changes have fear of the future and if that is even a possibility. Our heart hurts for the orphans of Ethiopia. God loves adoption..HE ADOPTED us, and we know he is sovereign in this situation and all situations.
Oh my, that's a lot of laughing AND crying for one post! God bless you and strengthen you this year.
ReplyDeleteOh wow girl, you are my hero! :) If anyone can do it, you can! We thank your family for the sacrifices that you all make. May the Lord bless you guys!!
ReplyDeleteI love you and your beautiful family Nikki. You are one lucky woman and a strong one, too. God bless and protect you all. Thanks for sharing Tyler's address. Will drop him a note soon:)