We percentile went to PHX and it was a great little Mommy + Boys trip. We hit up IKEA for some great finds, the off to our friends house for a lunch date who are anxiously awaiting their own Ethiopian bundle of joy, and a birthday party for a little Ethiopian girl who spent her first months of life in the orphanage with our little boys.
We had a great lunch date with our friends and the boys even got to run wild with all of their dogs and exotic birds. The most animal action they get is our little fish bowl, so they were a little on edge but loved and giggled with their pets. We are excitedly joining in their wait for an Ethiopian child to joining their family, and look forward to playdates with kiddos of the same heritage.
Then off to the Weber's house! We adore their entire family and had a great time visiting with all their friends and family who joined in Alli's 2nd birthday party. Heart warming to know that her 2nd birthday was so fabulous, since her first was in an orphanage in Ethiopia. We will always have a special connection to that family after traveling to meet our children together, spending time seeing Ethiopia together, and now enjoying life in the states together. They are a family first Christian family, like ours, and their little girls are adorable. I love to see the progress, development and love of adopted families! I thought it was hilarious to watch my kids compared to the insane number of children there. If you sit and watch the kids, for some reason it looks like my kids drank a Red Bull on the way there. They run fast, jump higher, scream louder, act more nuts, then ALL the other kiddos heir own age. God really dealt us a wild hand of cards, knowing we can keep up I guess! Another first at the party.....an ice cream bar with too many goodies! Did my kids eat ice cream, chocolate, etc..NO..grossed out by it, accept M&Ms. They got their hands on them and went nuts, Taft had dye streaming down his face and stood at the counter begging other people to hand him one as they went through the serving line. OUR FIRST CANDY! First of all I can't believe I let them have one, second I cant believe they liked it, or that they begged strangers for them. I think this moment is a loss of innocence and the beginning of an addiction!
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