On August 2, 2010 was the day we met, held and fell deeply in love with Taft and Zeke in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Yesterday marked exactly 1 year and we spent the entire day celebrating! We started off the day with telling the boys the story and sharing with them pictures of the events leading up to and including our day. Then a giant breakfast with homemade whole wheat blueberry pancakes with fresh made applesauce for dipping. Next off to the Children's museum (first day with no stroller on a outing!) for hours of play. Then, a lunch date at Pei Wei thinking they might be able to try at least something on the menu. Taft fell asleep with a noodle hanging from his mouth, and Zeke had to harass him a bit. Noodle bowls were not the success we hoped, but we tried and had a blast doing so. Off to GAP for new little sandals and we passed by Cinnabon so I couldn't resist the temptation, since it was their big day and all! Zeke wanted to have nothing to do with his treat..go figure! Taft you ask????? ATE THE ENTIRE CINNABON!!!! Yes bite by bite with a little fork, but my little big guy was all about that roll of fat and sugar! Next, headed home for their big gift, a tool table with too many tools to count! Each and every tool works just like the real thing. A bit ambitious on our behalf, but I think they will grow into the toys! Afterward, a great dinner, their favorites of course! Not sharing what those favorites might be or you might just report me to our food therapist! I gave into a lollipop after dinner. First one for Taft and only second for Zeke. They don't suck the pop, just drool all over it, which turned into every inch of the house covered in stickiness! The Zeke screamed bloody murder, and I realized he got to the Tootsie roll center and it was stuck on his teeth. He stood there with his mouth open wide until I pulled the tootsie roll bits off each little tooth. That was the end of the pop, pure fear of the CENTER! We then had to watch our video of the day we met. Finally bath time...all chaos breaks loose here! After bathing I am drying Taft off and smell something dreadful only to catch a handful of poop in my bare hands 2 seconds later. I scream and start rinsing my hands in the sink and turn by back for about 15 seconds, in the mean time he has pooped again and smeared it all over the wall and bathroom door. Yikes..rebath! I hear water, oh no little Zeke is now peeing on the bathroom rug. Could they be any more disgusting! A wild night to end our beautiful day. The day couldn't be topped off with anything better than the gift from Memaw and Pepaw in honor of our day, no not a toy or clothes, water! The made a contribution in honor of our big anniversary to Charity Water. The lack of water in Ethiopia, and all over Africa for the matter, is shocking. Children in Ethiopia simply begged us for partially empty used water bottles, not money, toys or goodies we have become accustom to seeing. What a joy and blessing to celebrate our day with the gift of clean water! God is good...one year later..wow we are blessed! Our favorite verse and prayer of Ephesians 1:4-5 resonates more real every day! Pictures are from 1st anniversary, but the video is the moment we first met!
Annnnnnd now I can't stop crying! Such precious, beautiful videos...What a treasure!
ReplyDeleteAaah! I lost this blog for so long! Those boys have grown up and are so cute! Are you still in the Tucson area? I joined the local Meetup Moms group and it is AWESOME! You can check it out at www.meetupmoms.org. If you do apply to it, let them know Abby sent you and they'll approve you!
ReplyDeleteEither way, congrats on those beautiful babies!