Saturday night I could have sworn I heard something scurrying up in the attic, but of course I hear creepy noises with husband across the world and a sick baby all night. I washed my hands and saw water all over the sink. I assume I splashed the water while washing my face or brushing my teeth. Taft gets sick again and I find myself once again in the bathroom noticing water all over the counter top. I notice tiny drips are coming from behind the mirror and pooling on the is that possible? Behind the mirror? I then notice a few bubble in the pain near the light fixture. I then stand on the counter and feel the 2 am mind you....they feel damp??? I start pushing and my hand sinks through the dry wall a little bit in one place..
I call my Dad and turn the water main for the entire house off! Yes, no bathroom, no shower no washing water!
We call the base plumber and leave messages for a referral, and continue our regular routine off to bible study, church, Sunday school, etc. I get a call back from the base plumber with a reference for a reputable civilian plumber since my explanation to him seems way out of his league. The referral was able to be at my house 30 min after church! Whoop!
He can not get to the leak through the attic, so next thing I know..he has torn down my ceiling! The pipe has been chewed up my some sort of animal...I knew I heard something up there! The water leak is fixed, my now demolished bathroom is NOT!
The plumber calls a mold and restoration people who are there in moments to start removing the wet materials. Surprise..everything was wet. The dry wall,the insulation, baseboards, carpet, cabinets, counter top, sinks, everything! I guess it could mold quickly, so the faster everything is out the less the chance and quicker the drying starts?
Today the estimator assessed the damage to report to our insurance, who of course has a giant deductible, plus will cover the water damage but not the plumbing since it was "typical wear and tear"...GRRRRRR insurance!
Before repairs can be complete I am living in RAW FEAR of a little creature attacking! I bought rat traps and tons of poison and begged my neighbor to come put it in the attic and surrounding areas in case my friend comes back while the house is under construction!
So our life continues with no bathroom or closet, and a constant flow of construction/mold/exterminator/insurance people in and out!
Oh no! I'm so sorry. Who could have imagined such craziness?