My little men underwent yet another surgery with out Daddy around for support. For both faith and medical reasons out little guys were circumcised. Thankfully Memaw was here to help, but that doesn't change what we had done to them. Good thing it was both of them at once, otherwise I would not have the guts to have the second one done after seeing the aftermath. The surgery went well, we just adore their Urologist. Just as before the few moments that they come out of anesthesia are too hard on all of us. The kicking, screaming, lack of body control, etc, make for a very paranoid Mommy and sad little monsters. The few days that follow have not been easy on any one. I now see the advantages more clearly to circumcision at birth..THEY DON'T MOVE! The boys do not understand cause and effect! The take a few steps and then shudder in pain and fear, then take a few steps and repeat. They are old enough to take off their own diaper and grab at privates, breaking seals and spilling blood onto their little legs. I try and convince them to be still and listen to music, read stories, etc, but slowing them down just seems too hard. The faster they go the more they reach down to their crotch and scream in pain. My heart hurts not knowing how to take away the pain, on top of the fact it took both mom and I together holding them down to give the pain meds orally and ointment onto the skin. High chairs, car seats, and sitting down at all has proven the most painful so we are working on eventually being able to sit and put pressure down South again. Prayer is the only help now!
Yes I titled that poop. The meds and anesthesia once again constipated the boys after the surgery. Finally Taft pooped after screaming in pain for the 15 minutes leading up to it. I could tell it hurt by his face and the nightmare that I found in the diaper afterward. Our pediatrician is a fried, so I just confronted her and asked for any advice possible. After major diet changes and 4 doses of Mirolax they have both now gone. I guess the little pebbles in their diaper count as "going". I was so excited that we finally made progress I took a photo and sent it out to multiple people, pathetic mother I am! The best part of the poop story is Taft made his little gravel pile in his diaper, then ripped it off and shook the diaper until the pebbles were all over the floor. Now create your own mental picture of me chasing little poop pebbles around the floor, while Zeke is trying his hardest to grab one before I scoop it up. I know you are cracking up now!
I really enjoyed getting to spend some time with your boys in the nursery Sunday. We will continue to pray for their healing.
ReplyDeleteWe were at the Children's Museum on the 4th of July too. Wish we had been there at the same time.