Our God-filled adventure raising our two dazzling sons from Ethiopia!!!
Monday, April 4, 2011
We are JOHNSONS!!!
Howdy! Today we had our FINAL court hearing and the judge granted us a united family of four. The boys officially have First middle and last names!Tyler and I are legally parents of our precious angels! All the drama surrounding the readoption in the U.S. is beyond frustrating and ridiculous so I will spare you the chaos...i just want you to celebrate with our complete family! Photos: Zeke is too tired to even eat??? Taft is a little aviator stud! When taking out the diaper genie bag I found a surprise. A race car was in the twisted diaper sack. How did that get in there? The greatest concern for poor Taft...he kept pointing at his car then looking at me...very confused! The boys enjoy outside naked time..they don't even mind crawling through the rocks..tough kids! Court pics: The court sign, the boys ready for the big day with our entire file box full of documentation and evidence for our case, plus the three of us with the judge after the verdict. Videos: One of each goober. Taft playing peekaboo with the curtains..hmm...not sure I like him pulling on those with a 20 pound rod 10 feet in the air???? Zeke likes when I jiggle his jaw like a ventriloquist dummy..silly baby!
After years of infertility and attempting every known treatment, we were led to adopt 2 little babes from Ethiopia...drum roll please....presenting Taft and Zeke Johnson!!!
We are so happy that now the boys are officially part of Team Johnson!