Wow..just remembering that moment brings back BAD memories. Weekend before last we decided to have the boys get their first American haircut. We contacted several African American friends asking for a barber reference. The people were friendly, but we explained we like their hair kind of long, and he assured us that longer hair is not in style for African Americans. Tiny culture clashes....short vs long, the barber saying Taft is a white kid name, etc. We explained we wanted their hair evened out from their Ethiopian cuts, and from the balding crib spot. We were a little shocked that meant a BUZZ! They forced Tyler to hold them down and the cried and screamed the entire time. Poor Taft had snot all the way to his chin from constant sobbing. Both boys were just dripping wet, they had sweat through several layers! But the end result is very cute! But little Tbone is too crazy for the plain Jane Buzz so we put a little slice into side. Maybe in the future he could have some fun swirls or something. The boys are now all cleaned up...but we most likely will let it grow out some!!!!
Love the hair! We like Jaxton's short too, easier to take care of. Chris actually figured out how to buzz it himself since Jaxton would get so scared at the barbers, but now that he is older we can buzz is at home and then take him in to line it out ;)