Many milestones to report. The boys are growing like weeds. Our little men grow out of their clothes from week to week it is just crazy!They roll around like tumble weeds. Taft can crawl backward only??? They both stand..so we bought them walking wings yesterday to practice the balancing part. They chatter to each other and everyone around nonstop! Also, they are full blown celebrities! Everywhere we go people want to ask, touch, see them. I see other white girls with white twins and no one even looks their direction. I must admit in my former life I would love the attention...but in Target in my gym clothes with spit up running down my sport bra and Taft yelling..YELLING..dadada to everyone..the attention isn't always wonderful. Someone n Texas even asked to photograph them for free to use in the advertising. I know my kids are cute..but hello stranger...that is really out there! One preciosu thing..as you can tell from the photo they love to hold hands while eating, and babble to each other the whole time! Loving every minute with the blessed job I have!
Love the pictures!! :) They are sooo adorable! I soo understand what you mean about the attention, I feel the same way! :) Would you believe that I've been asked twice if mine were twins!??!lol