
Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Since I haven't posted in a while we will take a minute to catch you up.
On Tuesday we woke up and visited our boys who were the most amazing things ever. They have grown alot and are more adorable than ever. they smile and laugh more than I remembered! Taft has 2 little teeth in front, what a fun surprise! How adorable to see him giggle with 2 little pearly white chompers smiling back at you.

After the visit we had lunch outside, 3 plus courses as usual. Then, off to shopping for local infant food to ease the transition, shopping for traditional items, and coffee houses. Tigist took us to the local Korean hospital as well to pay for stool sampling when the boys are back, and we got little poop tubes to drop off and be analyzed before we return. On Monday night, Kelly had a friend over late into the evening chatting with all of us. Her husband and her adopted from Toukoul a couple of years ago, and have returned to Ethiopia on mission work. She told us that the hospital can analyze a dirty diaper for parasites and bacteria and then the boys can be on meds if there are any problems before we go back home. The US is not accustom to testing for the types of issues our boys might have so we wanted to take to opportunity while we are here just in case.

We were home in the afternoon and prepared to go to a traditional restaurant for dinner. We witnessed a cultural wedding in the streets on the way to dinner and then had an amazing dinner. We all sat on little leather stools surrounding a giant injera and ate ourselves crazy, while the ethnic dancers and singers performed for hours. What an amazing culture we have become part of. Too bad Tyler didn't get called on stage to perform this go around. Late that evening we prepared bags and cribs and everything to bring our boys home on Wednesday.

Wednesday we woke up and after a nice crepe breakfast headed to the market for an additional stop for infant food and water. Then we visited he boys for a few hours and were able to give gifts to all 8 of their nannies. We enjoyed an amazing coffee ceremony after lunch, and Wendy made a cake to celebrate Kelly's birthday. Now we have an hour or so to finish our preparation to bring the boys home. We leave to the orphanage in just a bit, and the boys will be ours forever! We look forward to the typical parenting task and sleepless night. God Has blessed our family for sure!


  1. Yea we are so excited for the both of you. This is finally it! Prayers have been answered. Can't wait to see all of the Johnson family! Memaw and Pepaw

  2. We've been thinking and praying for you all week! My heart is filled with joy for your all!

  3. I love these updates! Congratulations - what wonderful days lie ahead for you!

  4. So glad you have been able to update your blog! I have been thinking about you guys all week and am so glad to hear that everything is going well! I can't wait to see the boys! Have a safe trip home! =) Jessica
