We are getting super giddy and excited! On Sunday Ben gave a sermon on dedicating our children's lives to the Lord, and how difficult teaching our children about Christ can be, but the biggest role in a parents life. Many families not only dedicated their children, but also dedicated their role as a parent to be Godly. What an impact, as we sat in the audience agreeing that this is the way we plan to lead our sons and thankful to be part of a community that believes the same. I can only imagine the struggles we will face in raising disciples, but know God has entrusted us with them and we will put our life in His hands.
Many a precious people have asked how they can help us to get ready, buy, make, of now we are doing great, but I might be asking for silly favors int he future, so thanks for offering. We have not registered anywhere or anything, we are building our family in a nontraditional way, and it is hard to perform traditional events like that right now. I believe in the future we will register at Target, just for little fun stuff, but we have taken it upon ourselves to prepare for our children...hence the pics below! We still have the biggies like stroller,car seats, etc to get, but are buying as we see sales, coupons, and slowly but surely will have our "needs" met we think. We actually found bedding that almost matches exactly to what we had done in the nursery already, and bought it last night. We decided to keep the boys together for their own peace at first, therefore trying to double up one room for two men. Next weekend we are going to an event for adopted families in AZ in Phoenix so we plan to pick up another crib and high chair that matches the one we already have. We don't want everything to be matchy matchy, but the furniture for sure must we think. Exciting! I think having a space and goodies prepared for 2 will make it all seem more real!Thank you for your offers and generosity to support and provide for our little guys.
Our grandmother is the cutest little thing alive and just a hoot to be around, we wish we are closer and able to visit more often. She generously and amazingly made our boys blankets and even attached pictures of Tyler with his blanket that she made for him decades ago. Now we will be sure to take pics of our men in the same manner as their dad with their matching blankets..yes all 3 will match, some new, some really old!We long to wrap them up and comfort them with their great-grandmas love!
If anyone knows of any good devotional books for adoptive parents let us know. We would love a devo book specific to our situation, and don't know of any, nor have we seen any for sale.Let us know if you have ideas!
We love you all and wish you the best...hoping time goes fast..we don't want to wish our life away, just want our babies home!
Hi, I don't know you but I read a lot of Ethiopian adoption blogs and stumbled across yours. It is such an exciting process, especially when you are getting close to a referral like you are. I'm not sure if you are networked with any other Ethiopian adoptive families, but there are a few very active Yahoo Groups you might be interested in. Sometimes pre or post adoption issues arise that only other adoptive families can relate to. Here;s one group:
ReplyDeleteThere is also a group for Christian Ethiopian adoptive families. I follow a different tradition so I am not part of that group, but from what I have heard it is very supportive for those who are part of it. You can find the address for that group on the other group I mentioned above.
Good luck, and I hope all goes well for you and your family.