Early Saturday appointment!We popped in and then got a coffee while the lab worked on our case. We came back about an hour later and the doc showed us the numbers....
40 million with 57.1 % motility and after processing in the lab still about 40 million with 98.7 % motility!!! Whoop! Maybe our best shot ever!
We reminded him of the catheter dilemma last time, and this time it was a one shot deal...painful, but one try compared to 4 is a breeze! The entire procedure was 10 minutes or so. We asked about the "tricks" he was going to try to stop my period from coming early like usual and he said they are going to give me a booster HCG shot in the tummy this coming week. We return Friday...early and fast I hope because that is the day we leave on our ski trip...
Now the prayer begins...please join us in support through prayer!
I forgot to post the bedding from our family earlier...ooopps!
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