Howdy Y'all!..being back in Texas allows me the opportunity to say it with an accent like that!
I apologize for not giving details of the procedures earlier, but have been quite busy...details to follow....
On Thursday morning Francine picks me and my hospital essentials up. We arrive at the hospital around 11:00 am and move to admissions. I fill out last minute info, am given my hospital bracelet, and so forth. We then move to the gyn surgery dept where I am weighed, blood pressure, sleep apnea test, and everything once again. When all is well I am taken by my "pre pre pre-op" nurse to my waiting room. I am given a gown and booties and go over all the procedure for the day. Francine looks stunned wen she leaves and realized she had no idea it was 3 procedures and when they use all the medical terms and adjectives the 3 procedures become a 5 minute speech of what will happen. I go to the bathroom and strip down for the gown. However, it is one size fits all so instead of tying ti I wrap up like a human taco. When I come out we laugh about this shield inner layer across the from, like a little foam bumper inside from my neck to knees. There are strange disk in specific areas that can be punched out and we wonder what they are for. I lie in bed and we small talk, then spend time praying together before hand. Next, my nurse comes to take me to the "pre-op area". They bring a wheel chair and I explain I am just fine, however she informs me the walk is like 1/3 of a mile across the entire hospital and my little booty would be hanging out of my gown if I wanted to walk. So I rode the wheel chair and waived to everyone as though I was on parade. In the new room I am met by my "pre pre-op nurse" who is 8 months pregnant. Much to our surprise she pops a disk out of my gown and sticks a tube into the hole. Within seconds my little shield puffs like a sumo wrestler. She says the pump warm air around me to regulate body temp..incredible! I also get a metallic surgical cap, to keep in the warmth. Once I have the puffed sumo outfit and the cap that looks like old fashioned metal popcorn bags over my head we laugh so hard we take pics. The nurse talks to me about what will happen..hen whispers she is not supposed to say..but Dr. G is the one who got her pregnant with the baby she is carrying....so a glimmer of home is sparked. We go over allergies and all, waiting for Dr. G and the anesthesiologist. I am warned of a breathing tube and catheter...I love how you find out the worst parts..wen there is no turning back! Finally the anesthesiologist arrives and runs the IV, he says because of the risk of organ infection he needs to run antibiotics. As always I warn of all my allergies just in case. He starts the meds, I start saying "My arm is broken", because of the immediate awkward pain and gasping for breath. Wow...we discovered yet another drug allergy. Next thing I know all sorts of drugs are running through my veins to fix the problem.
Dr. G arrives....and comes over to calm me down, holding my hand and fixing my hair...how I love this man one minute, and find myself beyond frustration the next. We move to the OR..how terrifying with the nurses, stadium looking lights, meds, instruments. I am transferred beds just like you see one TV. I am hooked to oxygen and explain once they try and put me out I go crazy and try to escape..I don't finish my sentence before I am out like a light.
As I start to come back to reality I am fighting they nurses and coughing realizing they are pulling my breathing tube out, and cough up blood. They had to leave it in longer than planned due to the allergy earlier, or I should have been out while that was done. The Post-op nurse ask either me or someone wound something abut a husband..I start sobbing like an infant.... saying "my husband isn't here he is in IRAQ"...partially the meds making me hysterical..partially the real life tragedy of surgery without a hubby. I ask for more pains meds 3 separate times, wow I never imagined the pain. Scary thought hit my mind...I checked in at 11:00 or so, and way under by 1:00...but it is dark out..the surgery and recovery took a VERY VERY long time. Eventually I am back to Nikki, the IVs come out, they show me the 4 incisions, put my clothes on and into what seems the worlds largest Volvo SUV..exactly they ARE small, but when you are in that pain the step seems like a mountain.
At home I get in bed, but can not sleep due to the pain, at some point reach for the meds, and knock them off..no way can i reach the ground EVER..so I scream for Francine to help me get them off the floor. The nausea of the pain meds and IV are too much to handle, she runs home to concoct a Jamaican remedy to prevent nausea. The ginger crushed tea worked like a charm. One side effect I was not prepared for was the potty problem after a catheter..yikes I might as well have assumed I had the worst EVER bladder infection for the next few days. We discuss what Dr. G told her. She saw pics and had a discussion with him post-op. He found an adhesion on the outside of an ovary. Multiple giant ovarian cyst that were lanced and he described at "poured out the color of chocolate from inside" due to age of the cyst and severity of endometriosis. He lasered massive amounts of endometriosis for the entire area. He told her the next round of IVF should be quick, so that once healed we can take advantage of the clear and prepared reproductive system. Good news to find solvable solutions to major problems.
The following day, completely against doctor wishes and orders, I actually forced myself to get going and got on a plane..I know I must be crazy and poor Tyler still thinks I made a sketchy decision(he thought I needed serious recovery time: of course my angel wants to protect and provide as always!). However, who could miss their sister-in-laws wedding if you can help it in any way. I can not deny the pain, and inability to move fast or bend, the incisions ave bled a fair amount and been covered to many times to count, but think I am healing well. For the doc to say some people ride in wheelchairs for the first week after the 3 procedures..i thought I was hot stuff walk to take a plane the following day! I have a post-op the morning that I fly back to Arizona and from there we will begin planning our next round of attack for Baby Johnson!!!
Several have asked what they could do...I know this sounds silly but, if anyone wanted to write Francine a thank you for the hours of love and compassion she has poured into our family, we would be blessed by the gesture as well. Her address is:
Francine Payne
10832 E Scenic Veranda
Vail, AZ 85641
Thank you for all of your thoughts, prayers and encouragement. On top of having the most incredible husband God could every design for me, we also have fabulous friends and family behind us! We wish one day to have the opportunity to bless you the way we have been.
I apologize for not giving details of the procedures earlier, but have been quite busy...details to follow....
On Thursday morning Francine picks me and my hospital essentials up. We arrive at the hospital around 11:00 am and move to admissions. I fill out last minute info, am given my hospital bracelet, and so forth. We then move to the gyn surgery dept where I am weighed, blood pressure, sleep apnea test, and everything once again. When all is well I am taken by my "pre pre pre-op" nurse to my waiting room. I am given a gown and booties and go over all the procedure for the day. Francine looks stunned wen she leaves and realized she had no idea it was 3 procedures and when they use all the medical terms and adjectives the 3 procedures become a 5 minute speech of what will happen. I go to the bathroom and strip down for the gown. However, it is one size fits all so instead of tying ti I wrap up like a human taco. When I come out we laugh about this shield inner layer across the from, like a little foam bumper inside from my neck to knees. There are strange disk in specific areas that can be punched out and we wonder what they are for. I lie in bed and we small talk, then spend time praying together before hand. Next, my nurse comes to take me to the "pre-op area". They bring a wheel chair and I explain I am just fine, however she informs me the walk is like 1/3 of a mile across the entire hospital and my little booty would be hanging out of my gown if I wanted to walk. So I rode the wheel chair and waived to everyone as though I was on parade. In the new room I am met by my "pre pre-op nurse" who is 8 months pregnant. Much to our surprise she pops a disk out of my gown and sticks a tube into the hole. Within seconds my little shield puffs like a sumo wrestler. She says the pump warm air around me to regulate body temp..incredible! I also get a metallic surgical cap, to keep in the warmth. Once I have the puffed sumo outfit and the cap that looks like old fashioned metal popcorn bags over my head we laugh so hard we take pics. The nurse talks to me about what will happen..hen whispers she is not supposed to say..but Dr. G is the one who got her pregnant with the baby she is carrying....so a glimmer of home is sparked. We go over allergies and all, waiting for Dr. G and the anesthesiologist. I am warned of a breathing tube and catheter...I love how you find out the worst parts..wen there is no turning back! Finally the anesthesiologist arrives and runs the IV, he says because of the risk of organ infection he needs to run antibiotics. As always I warn of all my allergies just in case. He starts the meds, I start saying "My arm is broken", because of the immediate awkward pain and gasping for breath. Wow...we discovered yet another drug allergy. Next thing I know all sorts of drugs are running through my veins to fix the problem.
Dr. G arrives....and comes over to calm me down, holding my hand and fixing my hair...how I love this man one minute, and find myself beyond frustration the next. We move to the OR..how terrifying with the nurses, stadium looking lights, meds, instruments. I am transferred beds just like you see one TV. I am hooked to oxygen and explain once they try and put me out I go crazy and try to escape..I don't finish my sentence before I am out like a light.
As I start to come back to reality I am fighting they nurses and coughing realizing they are pulling my breathing tube out, and cough up blood. They had to leave it in longer than planned due to the allergy earlier, or I should have been out while that was done. The Post-op nurse ask either me or someone wound something abut a husband..I start sobbing like an infant.... saying "my husband isn't here he is in IRAQ"...partially the meds making me hysterical..partially the real life tragedy of surgery without a hubby. I ask for more pains meds 3 separate times, wow I never imagined the pain. Scary thought hit my mind...I checked in at 11:00 or so, and way under by 1:00...but it is dark out..the surgery and recovery took a VERY VERY long time. Eventually I am back to Nikki, the IVs come out, they show me the 4 incisions, put my clothes on and into what seems the worlds largest Volvo SUV..exactly they ARE small, but when you are in that pain the step seems like a mountain.
At home I get in bed, but can not sleep due to the pain, at some point reach for the meds, and knock them off..no way can i reach the ground EVER..so I scream for Francine to help me get them off the floor. The nausea of the pain meds and IV are too much to handle, she runs home to concoct a Jamaican remedy to prevent nausea. The ginger crushed tea worked like a charm. One side effect I was not prepared for was the potty problem after a catheter..yikes I might as well have assumed I had the worst EVER bladder infection for the next few days. We discuss what Dr. G told her. She saw pics and had a discussion with him post-op. He found an adhesion on the outside of an ovary. Multiple giant ovarian cyst that were lanced and he described at "poured out the color of chocolate from inside" due to age of the cyst and severity of endometriosis. He lasered massive amounts of endometriosis for the entire area. He told her the next round of IVF should be quick, so that once healed we can take advantage of the clear and prepared reproductive system. Good news to find solvable solutions to major problems.
The following day, completely against doctor wishes and orders, I actually forced myself to get going and got on a plane..I know I must be crazy and poor Tyler still thinks I made a sketchy decision(he thought I needed serious recovery time: of course my angel wants to protect and provide as always!). However, who could miss their sister-in-laws wedding if you can help it in any way. I can not deny the pain, and inability to move fast or bend, the incisions ave bled a fair amount and been covered to many times to count, but think I am healing well. For the doc to say some people ride in wheelchairs for the first week after the 3 procedures..i thought I was hot stuff walk to take a plane the following day! I have a post-op the morning that I fly back to Arizona and from there we will begin planning our next round of attack for Baby Johnson!!!
Several have asked what they could do...I know this sounds silly but, if anyone wanted to write Francine a thank you for the hours of love and compassion she has poured into our family, we would be blessed by the gesture as well. Her address is:
Francine Payne
10832 E Scenic Veranda
Vail, AZ 85641
Thank you for all of your thoughts, prayers and encouragement. On top of having the most incredible husband God could every design for me, we also have fabulous friends and family behind us! We wish one day to have the opportunity to bless you the way we have been.
What a day!! This reminds me of like 2 memories! 1 of them is when you talked about the wheel chair ride and you saw a pregneat nurse, well a teacher is pregneat and she was walking down the hall and she started crying big time! She went to the nurse and she was still crying and she was pregneat...So be carful walking down the hall! The 2nd one was when you said you had the catheder Papaw has oe right know and poor papaw he has to empty it out by his self at night... Nanny won't even help him... I feel bad!! I am praying!! I will see you Friday! Love ya! P.S. If Francine reads this I thank you so much for helping Nikki!!! Thank you! We never could have doneit without you!!!