We had out IUI on Wednesday. We hosted Christmas parties with a house exploding with guests on both Tuesday and Thursday, so the timing could not have worked any better. The IUI was more painful that normal, and took 4 tries to get the catheter to work. Poor Ty had to witness my cringing face in pain. The sample was good after being washed and spun. We had over 9 million and 98.1% were alive and swimming! Yeah! I tried to take ti easy that evening to allow my little baby to form. We are hopeful and very peaceful this time around. Before we got over excited and hopeful, and had alot riding on the result. Now, having Ma-mush n his way home not too long from now, the pressure is off and the peace is a wonderful feeling. Regardless of the results we will be blessed with the opportunity to raise our son to be a disciple.
On another note..Lisa called today and Ethiopia found 2 numbers on different forms that did not match other forms. We are going to fix, notarize and overnight in hopes of not slowing down the process. At first I was frustrated and then Ty reminded me, that if out of 3000 pages, 2 were incorrect, then we have a pretty good rate going.
Thanks to everyone as usual for the prayers, clothes, toys and love you have already provided our son/sons. We are truly starting to understand the phrase that it "takes a village to raise a child"!!!
Friday, December 18, 2009
Thursday, December 10, 2009
December 10th,2009
Well last week the pregnancy test came back negative as expected, but we had better new even! Lisa called and said we could send in our i600a which is basically the form in order to open a case at Homeland Security in order to bring our son home through immigration. Basically it is 1 sheet of paper that cost almost a thousand dollars, that allows us to bring our son home in 2010! We have had the paper completed and waiting to send, so the go ahead was a very exciting moment. The site said we could send a personal check, but after Ty left the post office he had an odd feeling and called Lisa who told him to not send a check but a money order to process it faster. Ty called the post office to hold the mail and had to go back and reclaim it to put a money order in....yikes..the drama that we have! We also got disappointing news. The government has made so many cuts in funding and positions that immigration and court hearing might take a few months longer than anticipated. In other words, in stead of reuniting our family in summer 2010 it might be leaning toward fall or early winter. At first we were very heart broken, however we know God has perfect timing and we must obey his will.
On a fertility note....we finished our round of Clomid and have an appt on Tuesday with a plan for an IUI on Wednesday. We are excited, nervous and at peace all at the same time. We rarely think about biological children knowing God plans for us to adopt, but know he works multiple miracles at once. The opportunity to have a shot at multiple children who came to us in different ways is amazing. We are all His children and look forward to raising our children as His!
Well last week the pregnancy test came back negative as expected, but we had better new even! Lisa called and said we could send in our i600a which is basically the form in order to open a case at Homeland Security in order to bring our son home through immigration. Basically it is 1 sheet of paper that cost almost a thousand dollars, that allows us to bring our son home in 2010! We have had the paper completed and waiting to send, so the go ahead was a very exciting moment. The site said we could send a personal check, but after Ty left the post office he had an odd feeling and called Lisa who told him to not send a check but a money order to process it faster. Ty called the post office to hold the mail and had to go back and reclaim it to put a money order in....yikes..the drama that we have! We also got disappointing news. The government has made so many cuts in funding and positions that immigration and court hearing might take a few months longer than anticipated. In other words, in stead of reuniting our family in summer 2010 it might be leaning toward fall or early winter. At first we were very heart broken, however we know God has perfect timing and we must obey his will.
On a fertility note....we finished our round of Clomid and have an appt on Tuesday with a plan for an IUI on Wednesday. We are excited, nervous and at peace all at the same time. We rarely think about biological children knowing God plans for us to adopt, but know he works multiple miracles at once. The opportunity to have a shot at multiple children who came to us in different ways is amazing. We are all His children and look forward to raising our children as His!
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
December 1st,2009
I know you must be shocked I promised to give an update immediately after the appointment and surprise-surprise..I am!!! Yes it might be the first time I followed through, but there is a first time for everything. We had an US and they said everything looked great. We saw her print the pics and add the US pics to our file..i couldn't help but giggle. We have had over 100 US and each one has 4 pictures printed, so our files have increased to 3 volumes each as thick as a dictionary. After the US, Marta said they were going to draw blood for a pregnancy test and hormones. As I got dressed Ty and I just looked at each other in silence...a pg test? WOW!!! We don't feel pregnant, and are totally at peace waiting for our son. In a way we had forgotten about a biological child. We know God plans for our son, but have no idea what other blessings he plans to provide. We simply want to follow his plan. They will call tomorrow with results and if we are not pregnant the plan is to start Clomid this week and then an IUI the week before Christmas. How exciting to "try" again...but not nearly as exciting as bringing Ma-Mush home!Thank you to all our supporters, family and prayer partners, God is good!
I know you must be shocked I promised to give an update immediately after the appointment and surprise-surprise..I am!!! Yes it might be the first time I followed through, but there is a first time for everything. We had an US and they said everything looked great. We saw her print the pics and add the US pics to our file..i couldn't help but giggle. We have had over 100 US and each one has 4 pictures printed, so our files have increased to 3 volumes each as thick as a dictionary. After the US, Marta said they were going to draw blood for a pregnancy test and hormones. As I got dressed Ty and I just looked at each other in silence...a pg test? WOW!!! We don't feel pregnant, and are totally at peace waiting for our son. In a way we had forgotten about a biological child. We know God plans for our son, but have no idea what other blessings he plans to provide. We simply want to follow his plan. They will call tomorrow with results and if we are not pregnant the plan is to start Clomid this week and then an IUI the week before Christmas. How exciting to "try" again...but not nearly as exciting as bringing Ma-Mush home!Thank you to all our supporters, family and prayer partners, God is good!
...25 days to the celebration of the birth of our Christ!
Sunday, November 29, 2009
November 29th, 2009
Sorry for not sending an update recently. With Thanksgiving this past week, and friends and family flying in and out with all the festivities we have been incredibly busy. Now however, the trees are up..all 6 indoors..and 11 outdoors, lights are hung, mistletoe hung and the Christmas decoration adorning every room we are now settling down for the next exciting holiday time. Last week we had an appointment an we had blood work and an ultrasound. Both confirmed that we had ovulated and returning to normal since the Depot Lupron. We caught my body after ovulating, so we were too late to try the Clomid prescription just filled, or an IUI. We assume next month we will be on a regular routine and able to have an IUI about this time. We are by no means in a desperate rush of any sorts. We are thrilled and honored that the Lord is blessing us with out son from Ethiopia and we are at peace with whatever biological children he provides or does not provide our family. We are called to adopt our son from the Lord himself, just as we were called by name to be adopted into His family through Christ!!!
We have a doc appt. on Tuesday and will update soon.
On another note....if you have time to see THE BLINDSIDE...please do so! We know the movie is a blockbuster for its "feel good" qualities, but had a whole other effect on our family. Granted our son will be an infant when he is adopted but we will still face many of the challenges the family in the movie did if not greater. We have already faced question and concerns of many loved ones. Many of which revolve around our son being of a different race. In the movie there is a scene where friends ask racial questions and degrading concerns around a lunch table. The mother responds honorably with dignity exclaiming her son has blessed their family. The audience was silent, yet we couldn't breath we were so choked up. Our case manager Lisa has prepared us for moments like these when we have racial remarks tossed our direction, asking if we are his babysitter, why we do not have biological kids, dirty looks, rude questions, and pure ignorance, some of which we have faced before he is born, but seeing it on a small scale on a theater screen hit home.
P.S. We bought a 2010 "Mom Mobile" for me the haul Ma-Mush around yesterday!!!!
Sorry for not sending an update recently. With Thanksgiving this past week, and friends and family flying in and out with all the festivities we have been incredibly busy. Now however, the trees are up..all 6 indoors..and 11 outdoors, lights are hung, mistletoe hung and the Christmas decoration adorning every room we are now settling down for the next exciting holiday time. Last week we had an appointment an we had blood work and an ultrasound. Both confirmed that we had ovulated and returning to normal since the Depot Lupron. We caught my body after ovulating, so we were too late to try the Clomid prescription just filled, or an IUI. We assume next month we will be on a regular routine and able to have an IUI about this time. We are by no means in a desperate rush of any sorts. We are thrilled and honored that the Lord is blessing us with out son from Ethiopia and we are at peace with whatever biological children he provides or does not provide our family. We are called to adopt our son from the Lord himself, just as we were called by name to be adopted into His family through Christ!!!
We have a doc appt. on Tuesday and will update soon.
On another note....if you have time to see THE BLINDSIDE...please do so! We know the movie is a blockbuster for its "feel good" qualities, but had a whole other effect on our family. Granted our son will be an infant when he is adopted but we will still face many of the challenges the family in the movie did if not greater. We have already faced question and concerns of many loved ones. Many of which revolve around our son being of a different race. In the movie there is a scene where friends ask racial questions and degrading concerns around a lunch table. The mother responds honorably with dignity exclaiming her son has blessed their family. The audience was silent, yet we couldn't breath we were so choked up. Our case manager Lisa has prepared us for moments like these when we have racial remarks tossed our direction, asking if we are his babysitter, why we do not have biological kids, dirty looks, rude questions, and pure ignorance, some of which we have faced before he is born, but seeing it on a small scale on a theater screen hit home.
P.S. We bought a 2010 "Mom Mobile" for me the haul Ma-Mush around yesterday!!!!
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
November 18th, 2009
Howdy Y'all!
We must admit we are crazy parents to-be when the focus of our conversations, plans and life are already on our little man. We even wished for Santa to bring baby gifts this year! On another note....we had a doctors appointment with Dr. Gelety today. Little miss Marta discussed "So You Think You Can Dance" and the best way to bake a turkey before even getting to the reason we were there. We finished our DepotLupron injections and this appointment was for an ultrasound and blood work to decide the next step. We have invested our lives, heart, soul and prayers into our little Ethiopian man, and to be honest have thought little to nothing about conceiving. So they did the US to find out about the size of the cyst found last time and to their surprise they think that we are ovulating. They asked what are plans were, basically hinting at the time could be now, and we needed to act fast. I looked at Ty, and he gave me this glare of "do not dare say we don't really care about getting pregnant, since we already have a little man on the way". We have not shared the info with the doctor's office yet, and temporarily planned not to. Lying on the table I couldn't even put together a sentence and Tyler quickly answered, "We were planning on trying IUIs". Granted we didn't think the "trying" would start for another few months to get back off the injections, but as soon as possible my body kicked back into gear. I guess my internal gears work as quickly as my mind!!! Marta left to tell Dr. G what she found, and 2 minutes later they pop back in with Rx in hand for Clomid. They took my blood again as usual and will call with the results tomorrow. If things seem like they predicted I start Clomid tomorrow and we have an IUI on Tuesday!!! Wow!!! We thought we were going in for a check up....We look forward to what our God has in store!
p.s. We have had a request for info on the Ethiopian well we have committed funds and prayer to. Our sons "family" will benefit from the gift of fresh water and we believe there couldn't be a greater Christmas gift. The following link explains what is being done by our agency and the gift of life being provided in Ethiopia if you are interested.
We must admit we are crazy parents to-be when the focus of our conversations, plans and life are already on our little man. We even wished for Santa to bring baby gifts this year! On another note....we had a doctors appointment with Dr. Gelety today. Little miss Marta discussed "So You Think You Can Dance" and the best way to bake a turkey before even getting to the reason we were there. We finished our DepotLupron injections and this appointment was for an ultrasound and blood work to decide the next step. We have invested our lives, heart, soul and prayers into our little Ethiopian man, and to be honest have thought little to nothing about conceiving. So they did the US to find out about the size of the cyst found last time and to their surprise they think that we are ovulating. They asked what are plans were, basically hinting at the time could be now, and we needed to act fast. I looked at Ty, and he gave me this glare of "do not dare say we don't really care about getting pregnant, since we already have a little man on the way". We have not shared the info with the doctor's office yet, and temporarily planned not to. Lying on the table I couldn't even put together a sentence and Tyler quickly answered, "We were planning on trying IUIs". Granted we didn't think the "trying" would start for another few months to get back off the injections, but as soon as possible my body kicked back into gear. I guess my internal gears work as quickly as my mind!!! Marta left to tell Dr. G what she found, and 2 minutes later they pop back in with Rx in hand for Clomid. They took my blood again as usual and will call with the results tomorrow. If things seem like they predicted I start Clomid tomorrow and we have an IUI on Tuesday!!! Wow!!! We thought we were going in for a check up....We look forward to what our God has in store!
p.s. We have had a request for info on the Ethiopian well we have committed funds and prayer to. Our sons "family" will benefit from the gift of fresh water and we believe there couldn't be a greater Christmas gift. The following link explains what is being done by our agency and the gift of life being provided in Ethiopia if you are interested.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
November 12th, 2009
We have enjoyed celebrating our future family with so many of you lately. We are so giddy to share our story, progress and hopes along the way. We are in the long wait. Heartbreaking wait, to tell the truth! Our amazing case manager Lisa is organizing a mission to build a fresh water well in Ethiopia. How exciting! We imagine our little Ma-Mush's family members being blessed with water and that puts a smile in our heart! Therefore, we have opted for a chunk of our "Christmas" to be pledged toward the gift of water. What silly gifts could we ask for or give here in America that could every compare to fresh water? We continue to be blessed with our little man's life, even though his life with us is still months away! Love you guys!
We have enjoyed celebrating our future family with so many of you lately. We are so giddy to share our story, progress and hopes along the way. We are in the long wait. Heartbreaking wait, to tell the truth! Our amazing case manager Lisa is organizing a mission to build a fresh water well in Ethiopia. How exciting! We imagine our little Ma-Mush's family members being blessed with water and that puts a smile in our heart! Therefore, we have opted for a chunk of our "Christmas" to be pledged toward the gift of water. What silly gifts could we ask for or give here in America that could every compare to fresh water? We continue to be blessed with our little man's life, even though his life with us is still months away! Love you guys!
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
November 3rd, 2009
We are having some sort of reaction from the DepotLupron injections and the doc wants to see us ASAP, which happens to be tomorrow. We will keep everyone updated on what the ultrasound finds tomorrow.
We have also noticed how life changes so dramatically simply preparing for our son. We prioritize him in all decisions we make and it is such a great feeling to plan for his life and prepare to raise him as a disciple of our great God. More than anything we long to teach him of our great Lord and make our lives a true witness toward his faith. Speaking of, we watched several friends baptize their own middle school age children at the baptism event at church on Sunday! We both were thrilled for them and teary eyed thinking that would be the most joyous event, to be part of our sons journey and commitment to Christ. We are simply breathless typing the possibility!!!
We look forward to our little Ma-mush meeting each of you!
Thursday, October 29, 2009
October 30th, 2009
We are loving playing future Mom and Dad! We hit up BabyGap and bought the cutest outfits know to man for our little guy. We have also gotten excitement out of envisioning names. Ethiopia traditionally names their children biblical names. Therefore, we will either keep his name or are thinking i sticking with a biblical name to keep with his heritage. Therefore, we have turned normal conversation into a name game trying to find a list we love and then finalize when we see his face and personality. We long with crazy excitement for our little man.
p.s. Howdy to my little Florida boys who found their old teacher through our baby blog! We love you guys and hope you know we are here to support you in any way we can!
We are loving playing future Mom and Dad! We hit up BabyGap and bought the cutest outfits know to man for our little guy. We have also gotten excitement out of envisioning names. Ethiopia traditionally names their children biblical names. Therefore, we will either keep his name or are thinking i sticking with a biblical name to keep with his heritage. Therefore, we have turned normal conversation into a name game trying to find a list we love and then finalize when we see his face and personality. We long with crazy excitement for our little man.
p.s. Howdy to my little Florida boys who found their old teacher through our baby blog! We love you guys and hope you know we are here to support you in any way we can!
Saturday, October 24, 2009
October 24th, 2009
Today was the national :Make a Difference Day" and we served with our church painting school bathrooms, and clearing property at the school, then went to the U of AZ football game and dinner. Days like today serving others and having a blast are the type of days we are thrilled to share with a little one. We constantly look at each other and talk about what this will be like next year and how different and exciting our lives will be. We are looking forward to sharing life with our Ma-Mush! The Amharic translation for baby boy is Ma-Mash, so now we constantly pray for and talk about out little Ma-Mush!
Ethiopian children are traditionally named biblical names. Therefore, we wonder what our child will be named in Ethiopia and then toss around names if we change his first name. We are leaning towards using a biblical name because it serves the purpose of continuing with typical Ethiopian heritage and can be "Westernized". Thank you to all the friends and family tossing around names with is too fun to hear our dreams become real blessings! Also, thank you to our friends and family sending nursery decor, clothes and prayers. Our little man will know long before birth he is loved and provided for.
Our God is too amazing for words!
Mom and Dad Johnson
Today was the national :Make a Difference Day" and we served with our church painting school bathrooms, and clearing property at the school, then went to the U of AZ football game and dinner. Days like today serving others and having a blast are the type of days we are thrilled to share with a little one. We constantly look at each other and talk about what this will be like next year and how different and exciting our lives will be. We are looking forward to sharing life with our Ma-Mush! The Amharic translation for baby boy is Ma-Mash, so now we constantly pray for and talk about out little Ma-Mush!
Ethiopian children are traditionally named biblical names. Therefore, we wonder what our child will be named in Ethiopia and then toss around names if we change his first name. We are leaning towards using a biblical name because it serves the purpose of continuing with typical Ethiopian heritage and can be "Westernized". Thank you to all the friends and family tossing around names with is too fun to hear our dreams become real blessings! Also, thank you to our friends and family sending nursery decor, clothes and prayers. Our little man will know long before birth he is loved and provided for.
Our God is too amazing for words!
Mom and Dad Johnson
Monday, October 19, 2009
October 19th, 2009
Tyler and I are finally home from our trip of true ecstasy! We can take a deep breath to relax after the rush of returning to the US, home study, travel and Mexico vacation! If we could disappear into the lush jungle of Cabo for a month or more I think we would! As always we fell in love with the Mexican culture, beaches and food! We each have a severe sunburn, little pot belly and huge smile to show for the amazing time we had! Before we left we had another piece of the home study completed in Phoenix. Lisa interviewed each of us and we discussed goals, fears and the next steps in the process. I handed over hundreds of pages of paperwork and documents w have been writing and gathering and I felt like I was handing over my first born. We have worked so diligently it felt bizarre to let it leave our hands. However, it felt awesome to have both a MOM and DAD represented! The home study goes to court any day now and Ty has a few last documents to prepare this week and then the big wait will begin. We talk non stop about names, clothes, discipline, college, parenting and everything of our son/sons. We are literally glowing with excitement. We also had a doctors appointment today for our last DepotLupron shot for endometriosis. Along with the injection came the typical ultrasound and blood tests(3 tries this time and 1 that wouldn't stop bleeding..yikes!) We meet with Dr. G again in a few weeks for an overall look at how well the meds worked, next steps, etc! We will keep you updated and appreciate your prayers, we feel them LITERALLY!
Tyler and I are finally home from our trip of true ecstasy! We can take a deep breath to relax after the rush of returning to the US, home study, travel and Mexico vacation! If we could disappear into the lush jungle of Cabo for a month or more I think we would! As always we fell in love with the Mexican culture, beaches and food! We each have a severe sunburn, little pot belly and huge smile to show for the amazing time we had! Before we left we had another piece of the home study completed in Phoenix. Lisa interviewed each of us and we discussed goals, fears and the next steps in the process. I handed over hundreds of pages of paperwork and documents w have been writing and gathering and I felt like I was handing over my first born. We have worked so diligently it felt bizarre to let it leave our hands. However, it felt awesome to have both a MOM and DAD represented! The home study goes to court any day now and Ty has a few last documents to prepare this week and then the big wait will begin. We talk non stop about names, clothes, discipline, college, parenting and everything of our son/sons. We are literally glowing with excitement. We also had a doctors appointment today for our last DepotLupron shot for endometriosis. Along with the injection came the typical ultrasound and blood tests(3 tries this time and 1 that wouldn't stop bleeding..yikes!) We meet with Dr. G again in a few weeks for an overall look at how well the meds worked, next steps, etc! We will keep you updated and appreciate your prayers, we feel them LITERALLY!
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
October 6th,2009
Monday, October 5, 2009
October 5th,2009
We assumed Pop Johnson(Tyler) would be home by now, but due to the typical professionalism and organization he is stuck in limbo for over a week now, counting seconds it feels like. In turn, we have selected paint and I have begun painting like a crazy woman. The painting is not so hard, but taking down blinds and moving the nursery furniture is hard on a little lady. I have 3 hug blisters of my fingers and palms....yikes! The color is Jalapeno jelly and we are in the woks of a mural and art as well. I will post pics ASAP. We are also on a hunt for a brown cowhide rug. Hoping to see a vendor on the side of the road, and bid on one from EBAY. If you know of a better method let us know. Our "theme" is modern Nature!
Please pray for Ty's speedy return. I planned all our appointments and hearing assuming he would be home. If we miss anything, our hearing and dossier will be behind schedule, and pushed to next month. Normally that would not matter, but changes how quick we can bring our son/sons home from the orphanage. If we can help it, we do not want him/them to spend one more minute. Also, looking like if this is pushed forward we will be calling Arizona home for quite a bit longer, because we are required post placement studies.
After hours of frustration and many tears to many friends and family..we have followed our heart. We can not control, and should not try and control the situation. Gos is in control and will provide for our son/sons until we can get them home! I pray we give p everything to HIM! We struggle now reacting as protective parents rather than a couple. Pray for our baby/babies and Ty's flights back....and for no more tears!!!!
P.S. We are thinking names.......His original name, Taft, Tate, Tristan, Creighton, Prescott, Bauxley, Quinn, Jude..........we like too many to list!
We assumed Pop Johnson(Tyler) would be home by now, but due to the typical professionalism and organization he is stuck in limbo for over a week now, counting seconds it feels like. In turn, we have selected paint and I have begun painting like a crazy woman. The painting is not so hard, but taking down blinds and moving the nursery furniture is hard on a little lady. I have 3 hug blisters of my fingers and palms....yikes! The color is Jalapeno jelly and we are in the woks of a mural and art as well. I will post pics ASAP. We are also on a hunt for a brown cowhide rug. Hoping to see a vendor on the side of the road, and bid on one from EBAY. If you know of a better method let us know. Our "theme" is modern Nature!
Please pray for Ty's speedy return. I planned all our appointments and hearing assuming he would be home. If we miss anything, our hearing and dossier will be behind schedule, and pushed to next month. Normally that would not matter, but changes how quick we can bring our son/sons home from the orphanage. If we can help it, we do not want him/them to spend one more minute. Also, looking like if this is pushed forward we will be calling Arizona home for quite a bit longer, because we are required post placement studies.
After hours of frustration and many tears to many friends and family..we have followed our heart. We can not control, and should not try and control the situation. Gos is in control and will provide for our son/sons until we can get them home! I pray we give p everything to HIM! We struggle now reacting as protective parents rather than a couple. Pray for our baby/babies and Ty's flights back....and for no more tears!!!!
P.S. We are thinking names.......His original name, Taft, Tate, Tristan, Creighton, Prescott, Bauxley, Quinn, Jude..........we like too many to list!
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
September 22nd
Howdy Y'all!
Last week I had another DepotLupron shot. WOOHOO..the crazy side effects! The hot flashes are nuts. Yesterday I am sitting on the desk teaching away and all of a sudden an oven hits, I stand up and the back of my legs were so sweaty that it is through the back of my dress pants. NASTY! Good thing my kids are going through puberty and their bodies are so awkward they wouldn't know the difference. My other deal is the chubby legs I am getting..ahhh! Yesterday I ran a solid 5 miles straight, and I thought my thighs rubbing were going to start a fire at around mile number 2! If my only issues are heat, a few pounds and a few pimples I have nothing to complain about. Hopefully my endometriosis will be all cleared up..aka no pain, and better chance for a little baby Johnson #2!
Tyler and I are knee deep in paperwork and have already arranged our next meeting just a day or 2 after Ty is home. He is beyond anxious to dive in deeper and wants to get his hands dirty with our angelic case manager Lisa! We start our online parenting classes for Ethiopia today and hope to learn a bit about international adjustment for us and our little goose!(or geese....twins?)
Love y'all!
Last week I had another DepotLupron shot. WOOHOO..the crazy side effects! The hot flashes are nuts. Yesterday I am sitting on the desk teaching away and all of a sudden an oven hits, I stand up and the back of my legs were so sweaty that it is through the back of my dress pants. NASTY! Good thing my kids are going through puberty and their bodies are so awkward they wouldn't know the difference. My other deal is the chubby legs I am getting..ahhh! Yesterday I ran a solid 5 miles straight, and I thought my thighs rubbing were going to start a fire at around mile number 2! If my only issues are heat, a few pounds and a few pimples I have nothing to complain about. Hopefully my endometriosis will be all cleared up..aka no pain, and better chance for a little baby Johnson #2!
Tyler and I are knee deep in paperwork and have already arranged our next meeting just a day or 2 after Ty is home. He is beyond anxious to dive in deeper and wants to get his hands dirty with our angelic case manager Lisa! We start our online parenting classes for Ethiopia today and hope to learn a bit about international adjustment for us and our little goose!(or geese....twins?)
Love y'all!
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
September 16th,2009
I apologize! We promised to be better about posting on our blog, and look at us now.
Sunday was this major event in our lives where we felt like God had been trying to pull us along, and finally we jumped on His treadmill and have been running with him ever since. We must give you a run down of how awesome Sunday was:
1. The kids ran the service, and the youth praise band wanted to teach us a new song called Jesus Save our Souls. Guess what our program in Africa is called...Save our Souls!
2. The youth pastor gave a passionate sermon of the difference we can make on a small and large scale. If American simply put the money they spent on Ice cream alone toward charity, then 134 kids in Africa could be fed for a year.
3. She spoke of boldness and being radical for God, not complacent. She asked a rhetorical question of "How many people can say they are living our of their comfort zone doing something radical God led them to?" For one of only a few times in my life, my heart and mind were shouting "WE ARE!"
4. The youth in church were given individual challenges to take on earlier in the year, ranging from memorizing an entire book in the bible, to serving a homeless shelter once a month. The youth wrote challenges for us. I took one and it read "Run a 5K raising money for World Vision Africa". How amazing for us! Two avid runners with a heart obviously for Africa!
5. After service a cute girl introduces herself and asks if we have children. I explain we are adopting and she says her friend adopted...from where? ETHIOPIA!
We are thrilled for what Gos is doing in our lives. We have always had a goal since we were dating, to uphold God's laws and will for our life, and now more than ever we feel we are in Him!
I apologize! We promised to be better about posting on our blog, and look at us now.
Sunday was this major event in our lives where we felt like God had been trying to pull us along, and finally we jumped on His treadmill and have been running with him ever since. We must give you a run down of how awesome Sunday was:
1. The kids ran the service, and the youth praise band wanted to teach us a new song called Jesus Save our Souls. Guess what our program in Africa is called...Save our Souls!
2. The youth pastor gave a passionate sermon of the difference we can make on a small and large scale. If American simply put the money they spent on Ice cream alone toward charity, then 134 kids in Africa could be fed for a year.
3. She spoke of boldness and being radical for God, not complacent. She asked a rhetorical question of "How many people can say they are living our of their comfort zone doing something radical God led them to?" For one of only a few times in my life, my heart and mind were shouting "WE ARE!"
4. The youth in church were given individual challenges to take on earlier in the year, ranging from memorizing an entire book in the bible, to serving a homeless shelter once a month. The youth wrote challenges for us. I took one and it read "Run a 5K raising money for World Vision Africa". How amazing for us! Two avid runners with a heart obviously for Africa!
5. After service a cute girl introduces herself and asks if we have children. I explain we are adopting and she says her friend adopted...from where? ETHIOPIA!
We are thrilled for what Gos is doing in our lives. We have always had a goal since we were dating, to uphold God's laws and will for our life, and now more than ever we feel we are in Him!
Saturday, September 12, 2009
September 12th,2009
This week has been an overwhelming week of frustration and getting stuck in a time warp. We have been working through the paperwork, writing the essays, etc. like wild men and women. After like my 15th hours of working on just one immigration and Ethiopian packet this week my frustration had peaked and my eyes filled with tears. Tyler is usually the partner to do all the paperwork, and left alone with a stack and pen is not my strength I must admit. After I realized that the paperwork, applications and ordering of documents basically increased by 10 fold when we decided to adopt from Africa rather than U.S., for a second I debated if we should switch back to domestic. I took a diet coke break and checked the mailed. I must admit this was a God moment, because ti was too perfectly coordinated. I was about to burst screaming in frustration when I opened the mailbox to find Kelly and Chris Brown(Chris worked with me at Ruckel, and Kelly has been like a mentor through the adoption process after her own adoption) had mailed us a book on Christian Adoption. How Amazing are they and God! I still can't get over how God works int he greatest ways!
I spent a solid hour at OfficeMax making copies of everything "just in case". We have our first solid "packet" to send to Lisa at BAF, and the first stage was so thick I had to take a photo. I am hoping to have another stack about that thick to mail by the end of the week, if we keep the good pace we are working at. I then had 3 sets of fingerprints taken at a gun shop. I am sure you can only imagine how well I fit into that scene..yikes! We might be nuts, I must admit, but we bought a little board short bathing suit today for our son. We decided if we pick up little motivators like that along the way the paperwork push will be a breeze. Who can get frustrated filling our forms, when you look over at the worlds smallest board short suit, knowing our Little angel will be wearing that sooner than we imagine. Now maybe I can talk Ty into that dream jogging stroller to get through the next phase? Just teasing!
We love you all, and are more than thankful for your support and encouragement!
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
September 8th, 2009
Today we could not smiling, like our faces were plastered in a big bozo smile. My kids even thought it was fishy, and asked why I was so happy. I told them I was excited about life and all the changes each of us have in store. One kid raised his hand and asked if I was pregnant, another asked if I was adopting a baby. Now seriously how and why would middle school kids ask that? How do they know? Are we that transparent? Of course I didn't spill the beans but felt like it. We are on fast forward and I already arranged fingerprints, CPS clearance and physical appointments for next week. Helps when you know the clinic supervisor, and a sheriff I guess???? Ty and I are both spending time normal people sleep documenting finances, education and writing autobiographies. Where our our priorities?...obviously with our Baby Johnson! Today we realized that given our time line there is most likely a woman in Africa pregnant with our son at this very moment. Praying for her and our son last night caused me to break down in tears of joy. This is becoming so real and so joyful so quickly.
Today we could not smiling, like our faces were plastered in a big bozo smile. My kids even thought it was fishy, and asked why I was so happy. I told them I was excited about life and all the changes each of us have in store. One kid raised his hand and asked if I was pregnant, another asked if I was adopting a baby. Now seriously how and why would middle school kids ask that? How do they know? Are we that transparent? Of course I didn't spill the beans but felt like it. We are on fast forward and I already arranged fingerprints, CPS clearance and physical appointments for next week. Helps when you know the clinic supervisor, and a sheriff I guess???? Ty and I are both spending time normal people sleep documenting finances, education and writing autobiographies. Where our our priorities?...obviously with our Baby Johnson! Today we realized that given our time line there is most likely a woman in Africa pregnant with our son at this very moment. Praying for her and our son last night caused me to break down in tears of joy. This is becoming so real and so joyful so quickly.
Monday, September 7, 2009
September 7th, 2009
Wow....huff...........I am emotionally exhausted. We were all exited for the first part of our home study, and you better believe the house was sparkling...I even woke up at dawn to weed. The house passed with flying colors. They check every room and closet, and were impressed we had a complete nursery ready. Then we sat down for an overview with questions and paperwork. I had never seen so many pages. They pulled a little carrier to hold all the pages. I didn't realize the difference in domestic and international adoption basically meant 2,000 more pages to fill out. For example, in the next 2 weeks we need to:
Get CPS clearance, fingerprinted, send away for finger print cards, fill our application, get money orders, 5 letters of reference, financial statements, birth certificates, marriage license, all of which from the state, no copies, credit reports, 14 paragraph autobiographies, physicals, tax returns and codes and agreements.
WOW!!! The said the average fist step takes 30 hours to finish. Well here goes hour one....
We are thrilled and more excited than we could ever be. We remember the excitement of engagement, marriage, IVF...and for some crazy reason none of that compares to God rescuing a baby from Africa and blessing multiple lives at once! After we started the process I am realizing all we could have missed if we had our own children biologically. Life is so great, Our God is so Holy! We will keep you updated! Love yall!
Wow....huff...........I am emotionally exhausted. We were all exited for the first part of our home study, and you better believe the house was sparkling...I even woke up at dawn to weed. The house passed with flying colors. They check every room and closet, and were impressed we had a complete nursery ready. Then we sat down for an overview with questions and paperwork. I had never seen so many pages. They pulled a little carrier to hold all the pages. I didn't realize the difference in domestic and international adoption basically meant 2,000 more pages to fill out. For example, in the next 2 weeks we need to:
Get CPS clearance, fingerprinted, send away for finger print cards, fill our application, get money orders, 5 letters of reference, financial statements, birth certificates, marriage license, all of which from the state, no copies, credit reports, 14 paragraph autobiographies, physicals, tax returns and codes and agreements.
WOW!!! The said the average fist step takes 30 hours to finish. Well here goes hour one....
We are thrilled and more excited than we could ever be. We remember the excitement of engagement, marriage, IVF...and for some crazy reason none of that compares to God rescuing a baby from Africa and blessing multiple lives at once! After we started the process I am realizing all we could have missed if we had our own children biologically. Life is so great, Our God is so Holy! We will keep you updated! Love yall!
Thursday, September 3, 2009
September 3rd, 2009
On the medical front....I am doing just great, side effects are more and more mild, other than weight gain and pimples. Seriously I eat NOTHING, work out with a trainer and put on weight. Then I have gotten pimples from the hormones where people just plain do not get pimples! Like bizarre puberty or something. I wonder if that really happens with natural menopause?
On the adoption front....We sent in or preliminary paperwork and applications and had phone conferences with 2 agencies. CSS I think will not work for us, because they have basically said we need to stay in AZ for the next few years to have placement and then the post adoption counseling and check-ups. BAF has blown us out of the water. They are fabulous!!! Every negative answer we have gotten elsewhere they have answered positively glowing. Such as they can pretty much guarantee either a domestic or Ethiopian infant adoption within 9 months, home study next month, and then we can do out follow-ups through an affiliate if we move immediately afterward. Then recently we were referred to CWA and filled out the initial application and all with them, missed several calls(hard because they are East Coast) and plan for a webinar in 2 days. Then the big decisions..........
Tyler and I are giddy excited now, and sweet Ty says he can't stop smiling and dreaming about it. Thrilling the ways God has revealed himself!!!!
On the medical front....I am doing just great, side effects are more and more mild, other than weight gain and pimples. Seriously I eat NOTHING, work out with a trainer and put on weight. Then I have gotten pimples from the hormones where people just plain do not get pimples! Like bizarre puberty or something. I wonder if that really happens with natural menopause?
On the adoption front....We sent in or preliminary paperwork and applications and had phone conferences with 2 agencies. CSS I think will not work for us, because they have basically said we need to stay in AZ for the next few years to have placement and then the post adoption counseling and check-ups. BAF has blown us out of the water. They are fabulous!!! Every negative answer we have gotten elsewhere they have answered positively glowing. Such as they can pretty much guarantee either a domestic or Ethiopian infant adoption within 9 months, home study next month, and then we can do out follow-ups through an affiliate if we move immediately afterward. Then recently we were referred to CWA and filled out the initial application and all with them, missed several calls(hard because they are East Coast) and plan for a webinar in 2 days. Then the big decisions..........
Tyler and I are giddy excited now, and sweet Ty says he can't stop smiling and dreaming about it. Thrilling the ways God has revealed himself!!!!
Saturday, August 29, 2009
August 29th, 2009
Look into the future...Tyler and I have looked into and filled out original paperwork for either infant domestic adoption, or adopting from Ethiopia...more on that to come....
Promise to keep everyone updated more often and apologize for not doing so more.
Monday, August 17, 2009
August 17th, 2009
After many sweet and caring friends and family full of advice, we had our first Depo Luron shot today. I spoke forever with the doc explaining my fears, and they all agree we are grasping for straws as a last resort. I had all my side effect stories to share, and they had plenty of ammunition as well. How there are awful stories, yet the actual percentage of people they apply to is beyond slim. They said the only thing they can equate the "crazy Depo ladies" to is the groups opposed to children receiving vaccinations. How they can not prove there is any relation between vaccinations and autism, but all over the media and protest proclaim it. The side effects these women claim, have never been medically linked to DepoLupron, and might be from other meds or events. I was more than reassured. If this is the last option we have that has not been tried we hate to lay down and give up, plus the fact we have tried every other medical opportunity, we did not want to forgo our last option. However, we would love for continued prayers and support. Those of you super close to me I will keep you updated, as our fears of side effects are still very real and I want to keep my girlfriends watching my health. Since our first date Ty and I have sought guidance and will of Our Lord, and tried to uphold His laws in our relationship, and have this overwhelming peace as a result of the seeds we have sewn. Our hardships have over and over again become blessings of His hand. Love yall!
After many sweet and caring friends and family full of advice, we had our first Depo Luron shot today. I spoke forever with the doc explaining my fears, and they all agree we are grasping for straws as a last resort. I had all my side effect stories to share, and they had plenty of ammunition as well. How there are awful stories, yet the actual percentage of people they apply to is beyond slim. They said the only thing they can equate the "crazy Depo ladies" to is the groups opposed to children receiving vaccinations. How they can not prove there is any relation between vaccinations and autism, but all over the media and protest proclaim it. The side effects these women claim, have never been medically linked to DepoLupron, and might be from other meds or events. I was more than reassured. If this is the last option we have that has not been tried we hate to lay down and give up, plus the fact we have tried every other medical opportunity, we did not want to forgo our last option. However, we would love for continued prayers and support. Those of you super close to me I will keep you updated, as our fears of side effects are still very real and I want to keep my girlfriends watching my health. Since our first date Ty and I have sought guidance and will of Our Lord, and tried to uphold His laws in our relationship, and have this overwhelming peace as a result of the seeds we have sewn. Our hardships have over and over again become blessings of His hand. Love yall!
Monday, August 10, 2009
August 10th, 2009
I am seeking advice. Ty and I have been taught to seek wise council in a position like this and need some help. Today I authorized and paid for my DepoLupron(the injections to start menopause) to save eggs until Ty is home and we have a better plan. However, I wanted to do my homework and started researching the drug, only to find horrifying and I mean life threatening and terrifying side effects. I know ever drug is different for everyone, but take a look at this site and the repercussions. If you were in my position what would you do? Love you and praying for heavenly wisdom and intervention...
I am seeking advice. Ty and I have been taught to seek wise council in a position like this and need some help. Today I authorized and paid for my DepoLupron(the injections to start menopause) to save eggs until Ty is home and we have a better plan. However, I wanted to do my homework and started researching the drug, only to find horrifying and I mean life threatening and terrifying side effects. I know ever drug is different for everyone, but take a look at this site and the repercussions. If you were in my position what would you do? Love you and praying for heavenly wisdom and intervention...
Saturday, August 8, 2009
August 6th, 2009
Today I was cleaning out my purse and moving everything to my new fabulous purse!!! In the meantime I came across these receipts in my wallet, all from the same stinky day. Very scary thought to start putting them together and realizing a grand total. But like Ty says " We will never put a price on family!" As crazy as it is we are looking forward to future opportunities and hope for another round in early November!! Whoop!!!! Thank you to all those praying and supporting us. Ty sends out a special thanks to those friends and family of ours who have demonstrated an awesome model for what we want our family to one day be. Have an amazing God filled weekend everyone!
Today I was cleaning out my purse and moving everything to my new fabulous purse!!! In the meantime I came across these receipts in my wallet, all from the same stinky day. Very scary thought to start putting them together and realizing a grand total. But like Ty says " We will never put a price on family!" As crazy as it is we are looking forward to future opportunities and hope for another round in early November!! Whoop!!!! Thank you to all those praying and supporting us. Ty sends out a special thanks to those friends and family of ours who have demonstrated an awesome model for what we want our family to one day be. Have an amazing God filled weekend everyone!
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
August 5th,2009
I had a doctor appointment today with Dr. G and the appointment was wild. First I had the ultrasound and he said most everything looked great. His only concern was a few cyst left over from the egg retrieval, but he expects those to be healed by next week. Then came the woah part. He brought in all my files, like the thickness of encyclopedias. We reviewed every single step we have been thru up until this point. He said I am a tough case because of the Stage 4 endometriosis, but also because when the embryos are that perfect it almost always works. He walked though everything, we reviewed all the ultrasound pics and surgery pics again. One concern we both shared was how few eggs I produce during IVF(about 20% of what is expected). He explained how IVF for a healthy woman my age is usually a guarantee because they average 20-25 eggs, fertilize them all, and then every month put a few in are pregnant. However, with my case we only get enough eggs to put them right back in and start all over next try. Then he broke the difficult news, he said based on all the ultrasounds, folliceles and everything, his team have spoken back and forth across the US and believe I am going to go through menopause prematurely in the next 4, max of 5 years. I do not have many eggs left and the clock is really ticking...hello I am in my 20s! He is afraid of IVF wasting eggs right now, because it increases estrogen which promotes the endometriosis from coming back, and produces ,an increases amount of eggs, when I do not have many to waste. He said for now while Ty is gone we need to save eggs and stop the endometriosis from getting any worse so I will go on birth control and the DepoLurpon again to send my body into artificial menopause. Then, I will not have a period, in turn saving eggs, and drying up any endometriosis left from the surgeries. Basically buying time. Then, when Ty gets home try Clomid and IUIs again since IVF has proven to be outrageously expensive and not producing the outcome any of us have expected. Ty and I are excited for the next phase...a break from periods and trying, but still not wasting eggs in the meantime. Then when he returns I will come off the drugs and try with Clomid and IUIs for a few months and then IVF again in the spring. Wow, has this ever been a wild journey. We are forever thankful that our incredible God is carrying us through it all. The doc always jokes about how perky I am when my results have been so horrible...what could possibly bring us down we think...we are living out the plan God has for us and obeying His will. We have always bowed to his authority and timing, this is just another example of it. The peace we find in Him makes this yet another stepping stone. My excitement at the moment is just getting my goober home...hopefully exactly 2 months from today we will be in each others arms, and preparing for an exotic trip to an island we have yet to decide on..........WHOOP!
I had a doctor appointment today with Dr. G and the appointment was wild. First I had the ultrasound and he said most everything looked great. His only concern was a few cyst left over from the egg retrieval, but he expects those to be healed by next week. Then came the woah part. He brought in all my files, like the thickness of encyclopedias. We reviewed every single step we have been thru up until this point. He said I am a tough case because of the Stage 4 endometriosis, but also because when the embryos are that perfect it almost always works. He walked though everything, we reviewed all the ultrasound pics and surgery pics again. One concern we both shared was how few eggs I produce during IVF(about 20% of what is expected). He explained how IVF for a healthy woman my age is usually a guarantee because they average 20-25 eggs, fertilize them all, and then every month put a few in are pregnant. However, with my case we only get enough eggs to put them right back in and start all over next try. Then he broke the difficult news, he said based on all the ultrasounds, folliceles and everything, his team have spoken back and forth across the US and believe I am going to go through menopause prematurely in the next 4, max of 5 years. I do not have many eggs left and the clock is really ticking...hello I am in my 20s! He is afraid of IVF wasting eggs right now, because it increases estrogen which promotes the endometriosis from coming back, and produces ,an increases amount of eggs, when I do not have many to waste. He said for now while Ty is gone we need to save eggs and stop the endometriosis from getting any worse so I will go on birth control and the DepoLurpon again to send my body into artificial menopause. Then, I will not have a period, in turn saving eggs, and drying up any endometriosis left from the surgeries. Basically buying time. Then, when Ty gets home try Clomid and IUIs again since IVF has proven to be outrageously expensive and not producing the outcome any of us have expected. Ty and I are excited for the next phase...a break from periods and trying, but still not wasting eggs in the meantime. Then when he returns I will come off the drugs and try with Clomid and IUIs for a few months and then IVF again in the spring. Wow, has this ever been a wild journey. We are forever thankful that our incredible God is carrying us through it all. The doc always jokes about how perky I am when my results have been so horrible...what could possibly bring us down we think...we are living out the plan God has for us and obeying His will. We have always bowed to his authority and timing, this is just another example of it. The peace we find in Him makes this yet another stepping stone. My excitement at the moment is just getting my goober home...hopefully exactly 2 months from today we will be in each others arms, and preparing for an exotic trip to an island we have yet to decide on..........WHOOP!
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
August 4th,2009
Howdy Y'all!
I have an appointment tomorrow with Dr. Gelety for an ultrasound to make sure everything is going as expected. I will keep everyone updated on the results, decisions and follow ups, plus a consult for a second opinion elsewhere. Scary thought today to realize my medical bills for fertility and IVF have been more than my salary this year! WOW! Love yall.
...remember if you come across any friends, family, students, etc that have an unwanted pregnancy to spread the word that we are looking for a private adoption between us and the biological mother.
I have an appointment tomorrow with Dr. Gelety for an ultrasound to make sure everything is going as expected. I will keep everyone updated on the results, decisions and follow ups, plus a consult for a second opinion elsewhere. Scary thought today to realize my medical bills for fertility and IVF have been more than my salary this year! WOW! Love yall.
...remember if you come across any friends, family, students, etc that have an unwanted pregnancy to spread the word that we are looking for a private adoption between us and the biological mother.
Friday, July 31, 2009
July 31st, 2009
Good evening!
Howdy to all my precious friends and family just as anxious and concerned as we have been, you guys a true gift. The silly goose teachers at my school came by to sing to my tummy and wish me well for the crazy afternoon ahead. Dr. Gelety called this afternoon with the results of yesterday. As expected he said the test came back negative, said I am sorry a bunch of times, and to stop the meds. Seconds later my adorable hubby called from Iraq to find the news. His voice all cracky, since he woke up in the middle of the night to be the first to hear the news. How hard that is to hear the disappointment in your husbands voice, when he is on the other side of the world fighting for our rights and freedom. However, just as we have always said we talked about the fact that God has a bigger plan, and following his will is more valuable than anything in our life. We agree there is a lesson to be learned, we are just searching for what that is. We are both at a point of peace with the results, but are looking ahead to the future. What is our next step.......Lupron, another surgery, IVF again, waiting, adoption. The scare part, and the exciting part is the unknown. In the past the doc always had a game plan, if this happens we will try we have gone through all the steps and possibilities of the plan. Therefore, the next step is very much up in the air. We will continue to keep everyone updated, however our Journey toward parenthood and a baby Johnson are still in full force. Thanks again for all your love, support, encouragement and prayers.
Howdy to all my precious friends and family just as anxious and concerned as we have been, you guys a true gift. The silly goose teachers at my school came by to sing to my tummy and wish me well for the crazy afternoon ahead. Dr. Gelety called this afternoon with the results of yesterday. As expected he said the test came back negative, said I am sorry a bunch of times, and to stop the meds. Seconds later my adorable hubby called from Iraq to find the news. His voice all cracky, since he woke up in the middle of the night to be the first to hear the news. How hard that is to hear the disappointment in your husbands voice, when he is on the other side of the world fighting for our rights and freedom. However, just as we have always said we talked about the fact that God has a bigger plan, and following his will is more valuable than anything in our life. We agree there is a lesson to be learned, we are just searching for what that is. We are both at a point of peace with the results, but are looking ahead to the future. What is our next step.......Lupron, another surgery, IVF again, waiting, adoption. The scare part, and the exciting part is the unknown. In the past the doc always had a game plan, if this happens we will try we have gone through all the steps and possibilities of the plan. Therefore, the next step is very much up in the air. We will continue to keep everyone updated, however our Journey toward parenthood and a baby Johnson are still in full force. Thanks again for all your love, support, encouragement and prayers.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
July 29th, 2009
We are excited and incredibly nervous for the test tomorrow afternoon. After the tummy aches and spotting, we have only faith left. I will have my blood drawn tomorrow at 3:30, and should hopefully know the results Friday afternoon sometime. I am sure regardless of the results there will be follow ups next week to confirm the positive or negative results, so the journey continues.....
We are excited and incredibly nervous for the test tomorrow afternoon. After the tummy aches and spotting, we have only faith left. I will have my blood drawn tomorrow at 3:30, and should hopefully know the results Friday afternoon sometime. I am sure regardless of the results there will be follow ups next week to confirm the positive or negative results, so the journey continues.....
Thursday, July 23, 2009
July 23rd, 2009
Another fabulous day in the mountains and back in the swing of middle school again. One exciting date to mention is we are just over 2/3 done with Ty's deployment..whoop! The doc called and said the blood test came back great and to come in next week for the pregnancy test. My worst fear came to fruition today though..again I had a tiny bit of spotting. Much less than last time and the doc said this is timing for implantation bleeding and it doesn't mean anything. After not believing him I spent all evening on the web, and seems like with IVF that is incredibly common so hope is not forgotten. If you would take the time to offer up a prayer for our concerns, health and hope for a little goose we would greatly appreciate it. We love you guys!
Another fabulous day in the mountains and back in the swing of middle school again. One exciting date to mention is we are just over 2/3 done with Ty's deployment..whoop! The doc called and said the blood test came back great and to come in next week for the pregnancy test. My worst fear came to fruition today though..again I had a tiny bit of spotting. Much less than last time and the doc said this is timing for implantation bleeding and it doesn't mean anything. After not believing him I spent all evening on the web, and seems like with IVF that is incredibly common so hope is not forgotten. If you would take the time to offer up a prayer for our concerns, health and hope for a little goose we would greatly appreciate it. We love you guys!
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
July 21st, 2009
Today was my blood test for progesterone level only, not a pregnancy test as many of you were led to believe. I had my blood taken, for like the 100th time, which I wish was an exaggeration. I have track marks as though I am up to something sketchy, which of course I am not. The sweet nurses love to chat with me, and had a million questions about my 2nd day back with the kiddos. Then, I headed to Francine's to get my progesterone injection. I will never get used to a needle that thick. Now when I have regular diameter injections I barely even feel it. She commented on how black and blue my booty is. I wish my booty had not grown such much, forget the black and blue. The massive hormone injections have packed on 10 pounds, not the dreaded 15 like expected, but bad enough. I will hopefully get the results early tomorrow to determine the amount of my injection tomorrow evening. Super hopeful and excited! But in the meantime I am head over heels for some of my precious angels, so as always they are my kiddos for now!
Saturday, July 18, 2009
July 18th, 2009
My mother, my little helper of the millennium, departed today so I am back to the single little life watching my embryos. The injections have been going better, with less and less oil leaking from the sites. Today I had a few tummy cramps, wishful thinking that implantation is happening possibly. Daddy to be(hopefully) is thrilled and loves to already talk and write as though he is a Pop! On another note, thank you for all those who expressed concerns for our family, Tyler is safe. Scary news when your hubby cant discuss the matter with his own wife, but thankfully it was all over the news. Pray for the families of those soldiers fighting for our freedom.
Friday, July 17, 2009
July 17th, 2009
After a long day of work being wheeled around in a wheelchair by my team mates, I feel more pregnant than ever. No my legs are not broken the doc simply suggested not excessive walking today, and given my humongous campus, I could have easily put in 10 miles walking today. Statistically I should have an embryo implant either today or tomorrow! Whoop!
After a long day of work being wheeled around in a wheelchair by my team mates, I feel more pregnant than ever. No my legs are not broken the doc simply suggested not excessive walking today, and given my humongous campus, I could have easily put in 10 miles walking today. Statistically I should have an embryo implant either today or tomorrow! Whoop!
Thursday, July 16, 2009
July 16th, 2009
Today we went to the doctor in the morning. The book keeper called me back right away and told me they had to do ICSI(injecting the eggs with the sperm) once again. Quite disappointing on many levels...our cells are not lovers as we once thought, another 4 figure check, as well as science play a big role in the conception as well. However, we are blessed with the gift of the ICSI technology. Then I went to the screening room, and the nurse suggested my mom come back with me. Dr. Gelety came in and said originally there were 5 eggs, one too immature to fertilize. The other 4 were fertilized via ICSI. Today he said 2 are beyond perfect the embryologist said, grade 5 of 5! Both healthy and perfect 8 cell, one 6 which looked like it would be 8 asap, and the last one still at 4. He led us to believe that the 2 were incredible, then he put them on the screen via microscope. He wasn't pulling our leg, 2 were perfect and round and wiggling around, the other still pretty good though. We decided to implant all 3. I went into the operating room and they put the little guys in. He kept calling them my little guys, then corrected himself that they could be little gals. I was a little worried because the catheter for all the treatments has been super painful going in so I held my breath. This time I felt NOTHING! I was worried they did something wrong, Tyler insists my body was ready and they were doing in right finally! He told me he honestly thinks the embryos look much better than last time, and that the chance is really good. He said bed rest for Today, easy Friday and back to a slow life on Saturday. He warned that I better not be hitting the gym, because he thinks I should be pregnant on Saturday. I made a blood test appointment for Tuesday...oh great the 2nd day of school and i need to leave at the bell!!! The injections went great, less fluid came out than previously. We are both feeling very confident and blessed to even have been given the opportunity! You prayers are heard!
Today we went to the doctor in the morning. The book keeper called me back right away and told me they had to do ICSI(injecting the eggs with the sperm) once again. Quite disappointing on many levels...our cells are not lovers as we once thought, another 4 figure check, as well as science play a big role in the conception as well. However, we are blessed with the gift of the ICSI technology. Then I went to the screening room, and the nurse suggested my mom come back with me. Dr. Gelety came in and said originally there were 5 eggs, one too immature to fertilize. The other 4 were fertilized via ICSI. Today he said 2 are beyond perfect the embryologist said, grade 5 of 5! Both healthy and perfect 8 cell, one 6 which looked like it would be 8 asap, and the last one still at 4. He led us to believe that the 2 were incredible, then he put them on the screen via microscope. He wasn't pulling our leg, 2 were perfect and round and wiggling around, the other still pretty good though. We decided to implant all 3. I went into the operating room and they put the little guys in. He kept calling them my little guys, then corrected himself that they could be little gals. I was a little worried because the catheter for all the treatments has been super painful going in so I held my breath. This time I felt NOTHING! I was worried they did something wrong, Tyler insists my body was ready and they were doing in right finally! He told me he honestly thinks the embryos look much better than last time, and that the chance is really good. He said bed rest for Today, easy Friday and back to a slow life on Saturday. He warned that I better not be hitting the gym, because he thinks I should be pregnant on Saturday. I made a blood test appointment for Tuesday...oh great the 2nd day of school and i need to leave at the bell!!! The injections went great, less fluid came out than previously. We are both feeling very confident and blessed to even have been given the opportunity! You prayers are heard!
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
July 15th, 2009
Yo! Absolutely nothing to new to inform you of, but we are excited for tomorrow. Today after talking to my teaching partner about my hubby's fear of me going to open house after the transfer, my principal came to my room. My precious partner went to the principal and explain to her how important the transfer was and how my husband was afraid for the risk of entertaining parents afterward. The principal said under no circumstances should i come to open house...what a relief. Now I need to initiate a relationship with my kiddos and families another way, but as my partner said, "my babies feet need to be firmly planted first". We are excited for tomorrow and ask for your prayers!
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
July 14th, 2009
Wow first day back at school was a wild one, specifically with how sore I was, but doing much better now. Getting back into the swing of things might be just what I need. My mom helped to clean and decorate the classroom which helped out a ton. The injections, which i gave myself, went good. One thing with the oil is it sometimes a little dribble trickles out of the injection site and scares me. If anyone has tips on how to prevent that I would love to hear, because i keep over estimating my dosage to make up the dribble of a difference. We are excited and looking forward all we have in store.
Monday, July 13, 2009
July 13th, 2009
Good evening!
The surgery was bright and early this morning. After entering the operating room, it was like seconds before I was out. Surprisingly this time I did not talk too much, try to escape and cant even remember them dressing me or going to the recovery room at all. The procedure took about half the amount of time as previously. The trip home was unpleasant. I was incredibly hot and overheating and more nauseous than probably ever. I sat by the toilet for quote a while, but never got sick. Then I got in bed and was fast out for like 5 hours. We were lazy this afternoon and watched movies and took it easy. I called the doc this afternoon to check and make sure I knew all what was supposed to happen in the future and see how today went. Good and bad news....the procedure went well and the eggs are healthy and mature, but only 4. I was stunned last time we had either 5 or 6, and we doubled my meds this round and made 4. Scary but still exciting. I had my first progesterone injection this evening. The injection is oil and the needle is huge, so this set of injections is by far the most painful. I return to school tomorrow and I have 2 days until the transfer. Please Pray for our little embryos and their health. We are excited, anxious, faithful, nervous, joyful, scared all at the same time. The excitement for a baby Johnson is increasing!
The surgery was bright and early this morning. After entering the operating room, it was like seconds before I was out. Surprisingly this time I did not talk too much, try to escape and cant even remember them dressing me or going to the recovery room at all. The procedure took about half the amount of time as previously. The trip home was unpleasant. I was incredibly hot and overheating and more nauseous than probably ever. I sat by the toilet for quote a while, but never got sick. Then I got in bed and was fast out for like 5 hours. We were lazy this afternoon and watched movies and took it easy. I called the doc this afternoon to check and make sure I knew all what was supposed to happen in the future and see how today went. Good and bad news....the procedure went well and the eggs are healthy and mature, but only 4. I was stunned last time we had either 5 or 6, and we doubled my meds this round and made 4. Scary but still exciting. I had my first progesterone injection this evening. The injection is oil and the needle is huge, so this set of injections is by far the most painful. I return to school tomorrow and I have 2 days until the transfer. Please Pray for our little embryos and their health. We are excited, anxious, faithful, nervous, joyful, scared all at the same time. The excitement for a baby Johnson is increasing!
Sunday, July 12, 2009
July 12th,2009 actually the right date this time
Today was odd, because I dropped down from 3 or 4 injections a day to 0. I had my final and only Ovidrel injection last night at 10:30, which should hopefully spawn my eggs into action. I had to post a picture of it because it is refrigerated, glass and specially encased in an injection for a queen! We had a great time worshipping today and truthfully felt His presence! We are excited for tomorrow! I am scheduled to be in the room at 8:00, and totally out of it quickly after. Not too hard to knock me out after I pay the IVF bill tomorrow. They should just show me the IVF bill and let me pass out naturally from shock. How amazing how God has provided and planned for this. Tyler and I talked, and if in the future we are financially blessed we would love to sponsor a family int heir IVF procedures who would not be able to afford it otherwise.I will try and updated everyone on tomorrows procedure, how many eggs we retrieved and my current health. Thank you for your prayers and concerns, we are blessed by our relationships with each of you.
Saturday, July 11, 2009
July 12th,2009
Trust involves letting go and knowing God will catch you. -James Dobson
Wow life is moving full speed ahead. Tyler and I celebrated another anniversary, none of which we have been able to spend in the same state yet, but still full of love and a life long commitment. This morning I injected my last Lupron, Menopur and Merional shots. Now we have the Ovidrel injection at midnight and then bring on the babies. Monday at 8:00 am is the surgery to retrive eggs, and my US guaranteed a minimum of 6 again yesterday. My Progesterone blood work yesterday was in the 700s which looked great as well. Then, Thursday at 9:45 is the embryo transfer. We are praying for healthy little embryos to become a baby Johnson in this next week. Amazing to think that a week from now I could be pregnant!!! Please keep us n your thoughts and prayers. God listens!
Wow life is moving full speed ahead. Tyler and I celebrated another anniversary, none of which we have been able to spend in the same state yet, but still full of love and a life long commitment. This morning I injected my last Lupron, Menopur and Merional shots. Now we have the Ovidrel injection at midnight and then bring on the babies. Monday at 8:00 am is the surgery to retrive eggs, and my US guaranteed a minimum of 6 again yesterday. My Progesterone blood work yesterday was in the 700s which looked great as well. Then, Thursday at 9:45 is the embryo transfer. We are praying for healthy little embryos to become a baby Johnson in this next week. Amazing to think that a week from now I could be pregnant!!! Please keep us n your thoughts and prayers. God listens!
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
July 8th, 2009
Be imitators of God! Ephesians 5:1a
Just a quick note to tell everyone how great everything is going. I/We have mastered giving the 4 vials at morning and night, as well as m Lupron to the tummy. Yesterday I had an appointment and had my blood drawn. My estrogen level was 210 which they said was perfect. The Ultrasound went "Pretty good". My uterus and lining are better than ever, however we only counted 6 follicles as of now. Good enough since last time we even had less, but not nearly what we hoped with almost doubling the injections. The doc is estimating the egg retrieval surgery to be Monday or Tuesday and the embryo transfer on Thursday or Friday. We are working to arrange my mom to fly back out. We are beyond thrilled and excited. We feel this round has been a huge relief and at no point have we been stressed or worried like last round when everything was so new. Tyler is excited to welcome a spring baby Johnson! We are excited to see what God has in store and everyday learn more about our intimacy with Him, our marriage and ever growing faith in time of dependence.
Just a quick note to tell everyone how great everything is going. I/We have mastered giving the 4 vials at morning and night, as well as m Lupron to the tummy. Yesterday I had an appointment and had my blood drawn. My estrogen level was 210 which they said was perfect. The Ultrasound went "Pretty good". My uterus and lining are better than ever, however we only counted 6 follicles as of now. Good enough since last time we even had less, but not nearly what we hoped with almost doubling the injections. The doc is estimating the egg retrieval surgery to be Monday or Tuesday and the embryo transfer on Thursday or Friday. We are working to arrange my mom to fly back out. We are beyond thrilled and excited. We feel this round has been a huge relief and at no point have we been stressed or worried like last round when everything was so new. Tyler is excited to welcome a spring baby Johnson! We are excited to see what God has in store and everyday learn more about our intimacy with Him, our marriage and ever growing faith in time of dependence.
Friday, July 3, 2009
July 3rd, 2009
Howdy! This morning we traveled to the Post office super early to pick up my box of European meds before my doc appointment. They had arrived while we were in San Diego and waiting for pick up. I had to take a picture after seeing how many little boxes with 2 vials each there were. The ultrasound went great. Dr. G did ask why I was super dosing the drugs. I explained his partner Marta had prescribed that amount, and he looked quite stunned. I reminded him of how few eggs we got last time, and he thinks that is why we are doing so many. I hope they communicate better from here on out. While I was there they gave me my 4 vials this morning, then drew permanent marker all over my booty to remind Francine where to stab from here on out. Francine is coming over this evening for the other 4! He knows the gym rat I am, and told me to not panic when I start packing on the pounds. Supposedly the injections have a known side effect of weight gain, which can be severe...15 pounds typically in 9 days. But last round was only we will see what happens! Tyler said for our anniversary next week he hopes we are blessed with a baby Johnson! We are thankful for your continued support and prayers! Love ya!
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Thursday, June 25, 2009
June 25th, 2009
Today was another appointment with Dr. G. The US went great, with poor Al waiting in the front room. Then the blood draw...for the first time in 2 years it took 3 poke..yikes! The worst part was stabbing around saying the little vein keeps moving around and them trying to chase it..scary! They wrote out a calendar that I will continue 20 ccs of Lupron until my period, then decrease to 10ccs. At that point I start 4 vials of injections twice a day. They think the planning is perfect and I will give myself only one injection on the cruise before I am home and need to get on a regular routine. Sounds like perfect timing to me! The call with results later this afternoon said the blood work was great and that we were right on track! I hope we don't bubble over with joyful anticipation before we "really" begin the process. Love yall!
Monday, June 22, 2009
I have become an old pro at the injections and even have my little summer visitor Alli around to help. The only little draw back lately is all the prescription vitamins and supplements at once, making my tummy a little upset every once in a while. If that is my only draw back I have nothing to complain about! We are beyond excited and it builds every day. We are constantly praying for our little miracle!
Friday, June 19, 2009
July 19th, 2009
Hola Amigos!
My first 2 injections went off with out a hitch. I forgot all about them until I opened the syringe and the memories all came flooding back. My tummy now has 2 tiny pricks in it, and one day soon will have a whole little clock of ticks around my belly button again. We anticipation and excitement builds with each little poke and prod I think. Now the great debate on acupuncture... we are trying to decide if we should start that all over again as well. Have a blessed weekend knowing God is Great!
Thursday, June 18, 2009
June 18th, 2009
Good afternoon! I saw the doc again today and had yet another ultrasound and blood work. Then I went to the pharmacy to pick up most of my meds. The adorable pharmacist tried every way possible to see if insurance would cover the other meds, but to no avail, so again I ordered them off the Internet. Who knew little vials could be so expensive! I spilled out all my supplies on the living room floor, I attached a pic, because once again I was overwhelmed. One the syringes number in the hundreds it gets a tiny bit frightening! When I hold our precious goose for the first time, though the injections will be the last thing on my mind. The office called this afternoon and my progesterone had gone up, so starting today I take 20ml of Lupron into my tummy. Thankfully we start with the tiny needles and work up. We are thrilled and very hopeful, we hope everyone surrounding us is as well! Love you guys!
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
June 17th,2009
After the craziness of yesterday I called Dr. Gelety's office to make sure I was 100% sure what they were talking about. Yes, as guessed they were referring to Lupron that I give myself in preparation for another round of IVF. Therefore, I called Wilmot RX and again ordered Lupron, 160 syringes and needles, progesterone oil vials and HCG injections. I am excited to see what the doc says again tomorrow and pick of all my meds at the pharmacy as well. You know we are excited when I get emails form Ty int he middle of the night wanting the nursery to look like a beach house, open and airy, kind of like a Hollister store...gotta love that kid! Lets get this party started!!!!!!!!
After the craziness of yesterday I called Dr. Gelety's office to make sure I was 100% sure what they were talking about. Yes, as guessed they were referring to Lupron that I give myself in preparation for another round of IVF. Therefore, I called Wilmot RX and again ordered Lupron, 160 syringes and needles, progesterone oil vials and HCG injections. I am excited to see what the doc says again tomorrow and pick of all my meds at the pharmacy as well. You know we are excited when I get emails form Ty int he middle of the night wanting the nursery to look like a beach house, open and airy, kind of like a Hollister store...gotta love that kid! Lets get this party started!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
June 16, 2009
I went to the doc today and it was quite bizarre. I went in and they asked if I was there for my DepotLupron shot. I said, not that my hubby had decided on another round of IVF while we were in peak condition to conceive. At that point the nurse remembered and apologized. Then, we did an ultrasound. Dr. G asked if I thought I had ovulated, since technically it is day 28. I explained I wasn't sure. He saw what he thought was one tiny follicle, but that by no means would I start my period any time soon. The surgery kind of through my cycle off. They then took blood, and called this afternoon to say my Progesterone was at 3.2 and to not take my Lupron. What Lupron? He still has not prescribed my Lupron for IVF, or the DepotLupron if we are to wait. He said he wants to better track what is happening, and needs to see me every few days. Therefore, I am going on Thursday and at that point I hope we clear up many of my questions. Love you guys!
I went to the doc today and it was quite bizarre. I went in and they asked if I was there for my DepotLupron shot. I said, not that my hubby had decided on another round of IVF while we were in peak condition to conceive. At that point the nurse remembered and apologized. Then, we did an ultrasound. Dr. G asked if I thought I had ovulated, since technically it is day 28. I explained I wasn't sure. He saw what he thought was one tiny follicle, but that by no means would I start my period any time soon. The surgery kind of through my cycle off. They then took blood, and called this afternoon to say my Progesterone was at 3.2 and to not take my Lupron. What Lupron? He still has not prescribed my Lupron for IVF, or the DepotLupron if we are to wait. He said he wants to better track what is happening, and needs to see me every few days. Therefore, I am going on Thursday and at that point I hope we clear up many of my questions. Love you guys!
Monday, June 15, 2009
June 15th, 2009
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
June 10th, 2009
First off thank you to everyone for the emails, calls, prayers and encouragement. When a sister calls out in need you all quickly step up. What a blessing each of you have been in our lives.
Tyler and I spent the last day in prayer and discussion as a couple. This morning I woke up to Dr.G's office calling. The first few calls I did not answer, trying to get my head of straight. Finally, I spoke with the office manager who asked which pharmacy I would like my injections delivered too. I told her basically we are going to wait until we have a solid decision and spent more time in prayer before starting any meds at all. They put my order on hold. I asked if we could talk to DR. G ASAP. Sweet guy called me on his lunch break. I explained that Ty and I discussed the options and lean toward starting another round of IVF and wanted to know more specifics. He said he thought we were buying time by going on Lupron until Ty got back from Iraq to try naturally, and that we did not want to try IVF again because of the expense. I explained we are comfortable moving in any direction together or apart, but thought we needed to be on Lupron to increase the chances of IVF working. He said not at all. My chances after the surgeries are just as good since i was all "cleaned out". I am still meeting with him next week to discuss the 2 options and 1 million questions.
1. Start IVF as soon as we can.(After I am healed and physically able to.)
2. Start Lupron and wait until Tyler is home and we try naturally(even with a 10% shot it could happen!).
I am awed at what an incredible husband I have. He makes incredible sacrifices for our country and family, greater than most men are ever called to. Incredibly, with each struggle and trial we draw closer to each other and closer to our God...what an amazing life we are blessed with. We love you all and think of and pray from you often.
First off thank you to everyone for the emails, calls, prayers and encouragement. When a sister calls out in need you all quickly step up. What a blessing each of you have been in our lives.
Tyler and I spent the last day in prayer and discussion as a couple. This morning I woke up to Dr.G's office calling. The first few calls I did not answer, trying to get my head of straight. Finally, I spoke with the office manager who asked which pharmacy I would like my injections delivered too. I told her basically we are going to wait until we have a solid decision and spent more time in prayer before starting any meds at all. They put my order on hold. I asked if we could talk to DR. G ASAP. Sweet guy called me on his lunch break. I explained that Ty and I discussed the options and lean toward starting another round of IVF and wanted to know more specifics. He said he thought we were buying time by going on Lupron until Ty got back from Iraq to try naturally, and that we did not want to try IVF again because of the expense. I explained we are comfortable moving in any direction together or apart, but thought we needed to be on Lupron to increase the chances of IVF working. He said not at all. My chances after the surgeries are just as good since i was all "cleaned out". I am still meeting with him next week to discuss the 2 options and 1 million questions.
1. Start IVF as soon as we can.(After I am healed and physically able to.)
2. Start Lupron and wait until Tyler is home and we try naturally(even with a 10% shot it could happen!).
I am awed at what an incredible husband I have. He makes incredible sacrifices for our country and family, greater than most men are ever called to. Incredibly, with each struggle and trial we draw closer to each other and closer to our God...what an amazing life we are blessed with. We love you all and think of and pray from you often.
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
June 9th, 2009
Today was the long awaited Post-Op. I literally got off the plane and drove straight to the doc's office. They took my blood pressure first, the poor nurse was new to the office and panicked a little, since it was so low as usual. Then Dr. Gelety came to review my healing process. He looked at my incisions and thought they would be more healed by now, but that they were slowly but surely getting better. He shared with e probably 50 pictures they had taken, he started with saying my liver was one of the healthiest ever, then moved to shape size and tilt of uterus was great. Then my ovaries basically looked like zebra print. He said they should be bright white to be healthy. Mine were far from that! He showed me the adhesion they removed. Then he multiple cysts, which were about the same size at the ovaries quite scary for me. He explained there are several stages of endometriosis ranging from stage 1 where the endometriosis becomes visible and fiber like, all the way to stage 4 where is covers the area, creates cysts larger than 2 cm in diameter and invading the ovaries. Much to my surprise he said I was on the top end of stage 4. He said he lanced, removed and lasered everything in sight, but that it could quickly return and there is always some hiding.
Then what we have all been waiting for..what are we doing next? We discussed many options:
1. Take LupronDepot injections for 3 months or so, to send my body into premenopause, stopping all periods, to dry up any additional endometriosis. Then when Tyles returns I could be healed up and we can try naturally, then start cloid and IUIs and IVF if needed. So basically start everything over in 3 months.
2. Take LupronDepot for 3 months and then do a round of IVF.
3. Start trying naturally now....hmmm no hubby in sight...
4. Start over now with Clomid and IUI, then another round of IVF.
5. Immediately do another round of IVF.
He thinks LupronDepot could help to clear up all the other endometriosis and make our chances better, but no guarantee it will do anything at all. Of course there are no methods guaranteed. We have multiple worries:
1. Waiting the 3 months and starting over, that means we will either be trying or even pregnant when Tyler gets out of the AF and we both change jobs...hello insurance?
2. Cost of IVF: another round is another what seems like million dollars.
3. Taking Lupron and it not helping at all.
Starting over with Clomid and IUI...we started there a year and half ago, scary to start they entire process possibly over all over again.
I understand Luron could help, so I agreed to 3 months, based on his advice, but then as I left I started thinking of the insurance, moving, new jobs, starting 1.5 years of life all over again. Tyler called immediately and I totally lost it crying in frustration. I am terrified of the financial burden of IVF, horrified of losing insurance while pg, scared of repeating a year and half of our lives. Tyler said to not be concerned about the money and we should do IVF again while we have the doc, means, and my body is cleared out(mostly). I wish he could be at the doc with me, when they are sharing all the scary news my head gets lost in emotion and I feel flustered answering what I think we shoudl due. Ty has the solid head in times like that. I had already told the Doc we would take Lupron and wait 3 months, even scheduled follow ups for injections. We are going to pray over night together and hope God reveals His plan since we are so torn. If anyone has any advice or even what you might do, we would love to know as well. Our email is
From the time I was a child I would pray form my baby dolls to come alive and allow me to be their mother, and Tyler even had a baby doll he was the father of(and whoa it is worn out)..hello he is male! We were born to be parents, and have dreamed of the idea together since we were 17. People speak of marital troubles, this is a struggle we are holding each other through, but one where we are so hurt knowing we can not fulfill each others greatest desire and dream. We would love for any prayers you might offer up for our health, separation and desire to have children. We trust our God has a fabulous plan for our life as one and anxiously await His desires!
Love y'all!
Today was the long awaited Post-Op. I literally got off the plane and drove straight to the doc's office. They took my blood pressure first, the poor nurse was new to the office and panicked a little, since it was so low as usual. Then Dr. Gelety came to review my healing process. He looked at my incisions and thought they would be more healed by now, but that they were slowly but surely getting better. He shared with e probably 50 pictures they had taken, he started with saying my liver was one of the healthiest ever, then moved to shape size and tilt of uterus was great. Then my ovaries basically looked like zebra print. He said they should be bright white to be healthy. Mine were far from that! He showed me the adhesion they removed. Then he multiple cysts, which were about the same size at the ovaries quite scary for me. He explained there are several stages of endometriosis ranging from stage 1 where the endometriosis becomes visible and fiber like, all the way to stage 4 where is covers the area, creates cysts larger than 2 cm in diameter and invading the ovaries. Much to my surprise he said I was on the top end of stage 4. He said he lanced, removed and lasered everything in sight, but that it could quickly return and there is always some hiding.
Then what we have all been waiting for..what are we doing next? We discussed many options:
1. Take LupronDepot injections for 3 months or so, to send my body into premenopause, stopping all periods, to dry up any additional endometriosis. Then when Tyles returns I could be healed up and we can try naturally, then start cloid and IUIs and IVF if needed. So basically start everything over in 3 months.
2. Take LupronDepot for 3 months and then do a round of IVF.
3. Start trying naturally now....hmmm no hubby in sight...
4. Start over now with Clomid and IUI, then another round of IVF.
5. Immediately do another round of IVF.
He thinks LupronDepot could help to clear up all the other endometriosis and make our chances better, but no guarantee it will do anything at all. Of course there are no methods guaranteed. We have multiple worries:
1. Waiting the 3 months and starting over, that means we will either be trying or even pregnant when Tyler gets out of the AF and we both change jobs...hello insurance?
2. Cost of IVF: another round is another what seems like million dollars.
3. Taking Lupron and it not helping at all.
Starting over with Clomid and IUI...we started there a year and half ago, scary to start they entire process possibly over all over again.
I understand Luron could help, so I agreed to 3 months, based on his advice, but then as I left I started thinking of the insurance, moving, new jobs, starting 1.5 years of life all over again. Tyler called immediately and I totally lost it crying in frustration. I am terrified of the financial burden of IVF, horrified of losing insurance while pg, scared of repeating a year and half of our lives. Tyler said to not be concerned about the money and we should do IVF again while we have the doc, means, and my body is cleared out(mostly). I wish he could be at the doc with me, when they are sharing all the scary news my head gets lost in emotion and I feel flustered answering what I think we shoudl due. Ty has the solid head in times like that. I had already told the Doc we would take Lupron and wait 3 months, even scheduled follow ups for injections. We are going to pray over night together and hope God reveals His plan since we are so torn. If anyone has any advice or even what you might do, we would love to know as well. Our email is
From the time I was a child I would pray form my baby dolls to come alive and allow me to be their mother, and Tyler even had a baby doll he was the father of(and whoa it is worn out)..hello he is male! We were born to be parents, and have dreamed of the idea together since we were 17. People speak of marital troubles, this is a struggle we are holding each other through, but one where we are so hurt knowing we can not fulfill each others greatest desire and dream. We would love for any prayers you might offer up for our health, separation and desire to have children. We trust our God has a fabulous plan for our life as one and anxiously await His desires!
Love y'all!
Monday, June 1, 2009
June 1st, 2009

Howdy Y'all!..being back in Texas allows me the opportunity to say it with an accent like that!
I apologize for not giving details of the procedures earlier, but have been quite busy...details to follow....
On Thursday morning Francine picks me and my hospital essentials up. We arrive at the hospital around 11:00 am and move to admissions. I fill out last minute info, am given my hospital bracelet, and so forth. We then move to the gyn surgery dept where I am weighed, blood pressure, sleep apnea test, and everything once again. When all is well I am taken by my "pre pre pre-op" nurse to my waiting room. I am given a gown and booties and go over all the procedure for the day. Francine looks stunned wen she leaves and realized she had no idea it was 3 procedures and when they use all the medical terms and adjectives the 3 procedures become a 5 minute speech of what will happen. I go to the bathroom and strip down for the gown. However, it is one size fits all so instead of tying ti I wrap up like a human taco. When I come out we laugh about this shield inner layer across the from, like a little foam bumper inside from my neck to knees. There are strange disk in specific areas that can be punched out and we wonder what they are for. I lie in bed and we small talk, then spend time praying together before hand. Next, my nurse comes to take me to the "pre-op area". They bring a wheel chair and I explain I am just fine, however she informs me the walk is like 1/3 of a mile across the entire hospital and my little booty would be hanging out of my gown if I wanted to walk. So I rode the wheel chair and waived to everyone as though I was on parade. In the new room I am met by my "pre pre-op nurse" who is 8 months pregnant. Much to our surprise she pops a disk out of my gown and sticks a tube into the hole. Within seconds my little shield puffs like a sumo wrestler. She says the pump warm air around me to regulate body temp..incredible! I also get a metallic surgical cap, to keep in the warmth. Once I have the puffed sumo outfit and the cap that looks like old fashioned metal popcorn bags over my head we laugh so hard we take pics. The nurse talks to me about what will happen..hen whispers she is not supposed to say..but Dr. G is the one who got her pregnant with the baby she is a glimmer of home is sparked. We go over allergies and all, waiting for Dr. G and the anesthesiologist. I am warned of a breathing tube and catheter...I love how you find out the worst parts..wen there is no turning back! Finally the anesthesiologist arrives and runs the IV, he says because of the risk of organ infection he needs to run antibiotics. As always I warn of all my allergies just in case. He starts the meds, I start saying "My arm is broken", because of the immediate awkward pain and gasping for breath. Wow...we discovered yet another drug allergy. Next thing I know all sorts of drugs are running through my veins to fix the problem.
Dr. G arrives....and comes over to calm me down, holding my hand and fixing my I love this man one minute, and find myself beyond frustration the next. We move to the terrifying with the nurses, stadium looking lights, meds, instruments. I am transferred beds just like you see one TV. I am hooked to oxygen and explain once they try and put me out I go crazy and try to escape..I don't finish my sentence before I am out like a light.
As I start to come back to reality I am fighting they nurses and coughing realizing they are pulling my breathing tube out, and cough up blood. They had to leave it in longer than planned due to the allergy earlier, or I should have been out while that was done. The Post-op nurse ask either me or someone wound something abut a husband..I start sobbing like an infant.... saying "my husband isn't here he is in IRAQ"...partially the meds making me hysterical..partially the real life tragedy of surgery without a hubby. I ask for more pains meds 3 separate times, wow I never imagined the pain. Scary thought hit my mind...I checked in at 11:00 or so, and way under by 1:00...but it is dark out..the surgery and recovery took a VERY VERY long time. Eventually I am back to Nikki, the IVs come out, they show me the 4 incisions, put my clothes on and into what seems the worlds largest Volvo SUV..exactly they ARE small, but when you are in that pain the step seems like a mountain.
At home I get in bed, but can not sleep due to the pain, at some point reach for the meds, and knock them way can i reach the ground I scream for Francine to help me get them off the floor. The nausea of the pain meds and IV are too much to handle, she runs home to concoct a Jamaican remedy to prevent nausea. The ginger crushed tea worked like a charm. One side effect I was not prepared for was the potty problem after a catheter..yikes I might as well have assumed I had the worst EVER bladder infection for the next few days. We discuss what Dr. G told her. She saw pics and had a discussion with him post-op. He found an adhesion on the outside of an ovary. Multiple giant ovarian cyst that were lanced and he described at "poured out the color of chocolate from inside" due to age of the cyst and severity of endometriosis. He lasered massive amounts of endometriosis for the entire area. He told her the next round of IVF should be quick, so that once healed we can take advantage of the clear and prepared reproductive system. Good news to find solvable solutions to major problems.
The following day, completely against doctor wishes and orders, I actually forced myself to get going and got on a plane..I know I must be crazy and poor Tyler still thinks I made a sketchy decision(he thought I needed serious recovery time: of course my angel wants to protect and provide as always!). However, who could miss their sister-in-laws wedding if you can help it in any way. I can not deny the pain, and inability to move fast or bend, the incisions ave bled a fair amount and been covered to many times to count, but think I am healing well. For the doc to say some people ride in wheelchairs for the first week after the 3 procedures..i thought I was hot stuff walk to take a plane the following day! I have a post-op the morning that I fly back to Arizona and from there we will begin planning our next round of attack for Baby Johnson!!!
Several have asked what they could do...I know this sounds silly but, if anyone wanted to write Francine a thank you for the hours of love and compassion she has poured into our family, we would be blessed by the gesture as well. Her address is:
Francine Payne
10832 E Scenic Veranda
Vail, AZ 85641
Thank you for all of your thoughts, prayers and encouragement. On top of having the most incredible husband God could every design for me, we also have fabulous friends and family behind us! We wish one day to have the opportunity to bless you the way we have been.
I apologize for not giving details of the procedures earlier, but have been quite busy...details to follow....
On Thursday morning Francine picks me and my hospital essentials up. We arrive at the hospital around 11:00 am and move to admissions. I fill out last minute info, am given my hospital bracelet, and so forth. We then move to the gyn surgery dept where I am weighed, blood pressure, sleep apnea test, and everything once again. When all is well I am taken by my "pre pre pre-op" nurse to my waiting room. I am given a gown and booties and go over all the procedure for the day. Francine looks stunned wen she leaves and realized she had no idea it was 3 procedures and when they use all the medical terms and adjectives the 3 procedures become a 5 minute speech of what will happen. I go to the bathroom and strip down for the gown. However, it is one size fits all so instead of tying ti I wrap up like a human taco. When I come out we laugh about this shield inner layer across the from, like a little foam bumper inside from my neck to knees. There are strange disk in specific areas that can be punched out and we wonder what they are for. I lie in bed and we small talk, then spend time praying together before hand. Next, my nurse comes to take me to the "pre-op area". They bring a wheel chair and I explain I am just fine, however she informs me the walk is like 1/3 of a mile across the entire hospital and my little booty would be hanging out of my gown if I wanted to walk. So I rode the wheel chair and waived to everyone as though I was on parade. In the new room I am met by my "pre pre-op nurse" who is 8 months pregnant. Much to our surprise she pops a disk out of my gown and sticks a tube into the hole. Within seconds my little shield puffs like a sumo wrestler. She says the pump warm air around me to regulate body temp..incredible! I also get a metallic surgical cap, to keep in the warmth. Once I have the puffed sumo outfit and the cap that looks like old fashioned metal popcorn bags over my head we laugh so hard we take pics. The nurse talks to me about what will happen..hen whispers she is not supposed to say..but Dr. G is the one who got her pregnant with the baby she is a glimmer of home is sparked. We go over allergies and all, waiting for Dr. G and the anesthesiologist. I am warned of a breathing tube and catheter...I love how you find out the worst parts..wen there is no turning back! Finally the anesthesiologist arrives and runs the IV, he says because of the risk of organ infection he needs to run antibiotics. As always I warn of all my allergies just in case. He starts the meds, I start saying "My arm is broken", because of the immediate awkward pain and gasping for breath. Wow...we discovered yet another drug allergy. Next thing I know all sorts of drugs are running through my veins to fix the problem.
Dr. G arrives....and comes over to calm me down, holding my hand and fixing my I love this man one minute, and find myself beyond frustration the next. We move to the terrifying with the nurses, stadium looking lights, meds, instruments. I am transferred beds just like you see one TV. I am hooked to oxygen and explain once they try and put me out I go crazy and try to escape..I don't finish my sentence before I am out like a light.
As I start to come back to reality I am fighting they nurses and coughing realizing they are pulling my breathing tube out, and cough up blood. They had to leave it in longer than planned due to the allergy earlier, or I should have been out while that was done. The Post-op nurse ask either me or someone wound something abut a husband..I start sobbing like an infant.... saying "my husband isn't here he is in IRAQ"...partially the meds making me hysterical..partially the real life tragedy of surgery without a hubby. I ask for more pains meds 3 separate times, wow I never imagined the pain. Scary thought hit my mind...I checked in at 11:00 or so, and way under by 1:00...but it is dark out..the surgery and recovery took a VERY VERY long time. Eventually I am back to Nikki, the IVs come out, they show me the 4 incisions, put my clothes on and into what seems the worlds largest Volvo SUV..exactly they ARE small, but when you are in that pain the step seems like a mountain.
At home I get in bed, but can not sleep due to the pain, at some point reach for the meds, and knock them way can i reach the ground I scream for Francine to help me get them off the floor. The nausea of the pain meds and IV are too much to handle, she runs home to concoct a Jamaican remedy to prevent nausea. The ginger crushed tea worked like a charm. One side effect I was not prepared for was the potty problem after a catheter..yikes I might as well have assumed I had the worst EVER bladder infection for the next few days. We discuss what Dr. G told her. She saw pics and had a discussion with him post-op. He found an adhesion on the outside of an ovary. Multiple giant ovarian cyst that were lanced and he described at "poured out the color of chocolate from inside" due to age of the cyst and severity of endometriosis. He lasered massive amounts of endometriosis for the entire area. He told her the next round of IVF should be quick, so that once healed we can take advantage of the clear and prepared reproductive system. Good news to find solvable solutions to major problems.
The following day, completely against doctor wishes and orders, I actually forced myself to get going and got on a plane..I know I must be crazy and poor Tyler still thinks I made a sketchy decision(he thought I needed serious recovery time: of course my angel wants to protect and provide as always!). However, who could miss their sister-in-laws wedding if you can help it in any way. I can not deny the pain, and inability to move fast or bend, the incisions ave bled a fair amount and been covered to many times to count, but think I am healing well. For the doc to say some people ride in wheelchairs for the first week after the 3 procedures..i thought I was hot stuff walk to take a plane the following day! I have a post-op the morning that I fly back to Arizona and from there we will begin planning our next round of attack for Baby Johnson!!!
Several have asked what they could do...I know this sounds silly but, if anyone wanted to write Francine a thank you for the hours of love and compassion she has poured into our family, we would be blessed by the gesture as well. Her address is:
Francine Payne
10832 E Scenic Veranda
Vail, AZ 85641
Thank you for all of your thoughts, prayers and encouragement. On top of having the most incredible husband God could every design for me, we also have fabulous friends and family behind us! We wish one day to have the opportunity to bless you the way we have been.
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