Happy Valentine's Day! I love holidays and we love celebrating. Therefore, a day when we can love all over our kiddos more than normal is right up our alley! We started the day with wheat pancakes with Valentine M&Ms dipped in homemade yogurt. I feel I sort of negated the candy, by making them whole wheat with Mommy made yogurt...possibly? Then the sharing on cards, candies, stickers,bubbles, bikes, etc began. The boys do not know what a present is, just what a "surprise" is. So we opened and shared many surprises today! As you can see friends and family from near and far spoiled the boys plum rotten! At this point they might not understand this was not Christmas all over again, because it started to seem that way. Then, as they typical Johnson gang must....we had speech and OT therapy..not really holiday fun, but necessary. Then off to a little get together with other Christian Mommas to have the kids decorate Valentine bags, exchange Valentine surprises and share lunch. A great day for the kiddos, followed by a fabulous snow storm. The boys and I played in snow and for the first time I heard them shout the word "snow". The day wrapped up with friends, gifts for Mommy, Skyping daddy, a great dinner, a bubble bath dyed pink and snuggling over several books. Now I can sit in peace and sip wine in our new wine glasses with our monogram etched into them, a love gift for Mommy and Daddy!I love my little Valentines! Super hard to spend yet another holiday with out a husband and Dady, but longing for his return more than ever.