A few events have already occurred in my short return to life as a single mother.
Ear infection
After Tyler left Sunday I was bathing the boys and saw what I thought was a raisin in Zeke's ear. Oh great...Daddy has been gone a few hours and I already have an emergency of stuffing a raisin in his ear. I slowly try to pull out the raisin and I realize it s no raisin at all. The end seems like it, but as I pull the other side is gross and not totally solid. I push on his ear afterward and out pours like a Tablespoon of nastiness. I make an appointment for first thing in the morning. Not only is that ear severely infected, but so is the other one. Poor baby!
Private Swim: Canceled
Until we can cure the ear infections our private swim instruction which was to start this past Monday will be postponed.
Sign Language School
We started sign language on Monday and it is fantastic. It is semi-private so we are one of four families. The boys are the oldest and much more rambunctious than the other "babies". Taft was more interested in sticking his fingers in a hole drilled in the wall then the teacher. We were using signs to show body parts on baby dolls and Zeke was dragging/hitting/basically abusing his baby doll. Then the teacher was having the boys sign "Mommy More please" to get a few cheerios. Zeke Aced the test, Taft then thought this is worthless I will just got knock down a little baby and steal his cup of cheerios out of his hand. The class itself continued that way, but since then we have mastered about 15 signs used properly at home. Taft of course would rather just say the words, but little Zeke like to just sign, hence the reason we are taking the class. I love the books, and the literature explaining how kiddos desire communication and understand long before they can physically form verbal communicate, but have the fine motor skills to sign. I think Mr. Zeke is the perfect example of that!
Slowly progressing....blah blah blah
Mommy and Me Zoo Trip
The Mothers at our church planned a trip to the zoo and we had a blast looking at the animals and enjoying good fellowship. The highlight of the day was the giraffe feed. Zeke handed the carrots to the giraffe and died laughing as his tongue touched his arm, cute. Taft then was HILARIOUS! He held the carrot out and waited until the giraffe's tongue literally wrapped up his entire arm then would jerk the carrot back and laugh. He must have done this little "trick" to the poor giraffe 10 times. Mean little bully of a baby harassing a giant giraffe.
First Blood
Today at the gym I drop the kids off, go work out, check on them, then head to the showers. I am in the shower and hear a panic scream "Taft and Zeke's mom!!!". I literally jump out dripping wet stark naked reaching for my clothes and towel. The child watch helper is the one screaming for me, I run with her to the room. Zeke was carrying a wooden puzzle with big knobs and tripped and fell onto the puzzle. He slammed his face into the knobs. His little nose was bleeding and he had a busted open lip. Our first ever blood!!! We calmed his down, had first aid assistance and then were required to fill out an incident report. My little baby!
Desert Oasis
We decided the patio was to slick to have the water table, pool and basically anything wet on for the little ones any more. Therefore, I took the challenge into my own hands! I purchased and "professionally installed over a 100 sq ft of AstroTurf in the side yard so that the little men can have a little water and play area. I have giant blisters peeling back and all bloody in multiple places on both hands, and yes I was in the yard with porch lights on at midnight cutting the turf, but I think it looks great. Everything went smooth except moving hundreds of pounds of crushed granite and rocks all over the yard and laying sand to level the turf, but a few hours later I think it looks pretty good for a home alone little Mama!