
Thursday, December 16, 2010

Litte Guy Update

Thought I would give a little update on how the boys are doing..
SICK...we all have some sinus/respiratory infection..went to the doc and she said that the strain this year is lasting 3-4 weeks..woohoo..not looking forward to the rest of this!
Wow my sweet little man. He is so sweet and loving I just can;t get over it. He will snuggle up with you, and reaches out to hold your hand always. He is so sensitive, if you raise your voice Even being silly, he starts to cry. He makes the sweetest little sounds. We are still working on crawling, he just kid of spins on his tummy, but really has the standing parts down quite well. Now if only we would work on the pooping in the tub thing...something about the warm water just makes him go...NASTY! I have tried everything and if anyone has suggestions let me know. The little floaties every morning are seriously grossing me out!
Our little monster! The exact opposite of Zeke! No snuggling..he is just always on the go! He crawls at the speed of light..particularly to the gifts under the Christmas tree. He knows they are off limits, so he crawls a bit and looks back at us, then a few more feet, then looks back. He know he is up to no good, but can't resist. He is pulling up on everything, and basically figuring out how to escape from any toy/baby occupier we can put him in. He is all boy and pretty rough. We have to watch out that he doesn't injure Zeke, or us for that matter!He loves the camera and now will smile when you ask him too. He has 2 teeth all the way in, 1 more about half way out, and 2 on the top busting through any day. Little Zeke is still toothless!

The boys both have little tricks..they wave, high five, kiss Mama and are working on blowing kisses. The other day I was laying down with Zeke on my tummy and would make the kissy nose and e would lean down and kiss me on the lips. Every single time I made the noise! I couldn't stop laughing he is just too adorable. Taft on the other hand will not sit still long enough to balance on my tummy! One thing we have noticed is how Boys are just genetically rough and wild. I though maybe those behaviors were learned..NO, boys are just little balls on nasty and crazy from birth!

One last story guaranteed to make you laugh...the other day we were finishing our Christmas list and running to Dr. appointments. We stopped int eh bathroom at Kohls to change them and I glanced at myself in the mirror for the first time since before the sun was up. There was poop smeared on my cheek, like I toughed y face with a dirty hand. It might have been there 1 minute or 8 hours?????

Monday, December 13, 2010

Post Nene and Poppy visit

The boys were able to spend the past week with their Nene and Poppy,meeting and visiting them for the first time. I think both parties enjoyed themselves greatly. We were able to play, see their first "snow fall"(A Christmas band with fake snow blowing from the stories above...seemed to be almost dish bubble quality???), stroll the amazing lights at Winterhaven(none of the family has ever seen anything over the top like that), eat plenty of great meals, worship at church and open Christmas gifts! Just after they left we had out the video camera to capture our crazy little men!

Monday, December 6, 2010

Video overload

We have been all over the place lately and I haven't posted any videos in a wgile, so we must share! One is the boys in the bath tub: this couldn't show their personalities better, Taft the wild man, and Zeke the thinker! Then the boys have astered standing on the edge of their cribs and love it. Also, the little guys favorite toys are baby drumsticks????? Zeke gets so excited when he plays with daddy, and wakes up so sweet and happy always!