When our agent in Washington D.C. emailed us that we should take time to celebrate after Ethiopia received our dossier and we are awaiting our referral, I don't think her first thought would be celebrate by getting tatted...
Sunday, February 21, 2010
February 21, 2010
When our agent in Washington D.C. emailed us that we should take time to celebrate after Ethiopia received our dossier and we are awaiting our referral, I don't think her first thought would be celebrate by getting tatted...
Thursday, February 18, 2010
February 18th, 2010
Today is one amazing day! Our dossier is in Ethiopia and literally the next thing we hear from Dove will be our referral for our son or sons!!! Woo-hoo!!!! Exciting!
On the bio front the story is a little longer....We went to the doc on Wed. and as we already knew had another upset knowing the last IUI was a failure. We had talked an prayed about what our next step was going to be so felt prepared for what we would tell the doc we wanted to do next. After the US he came back in and sat in the room with us to casually chat for a good amount of time. We felt much more comfortable, than the typical test and run approach. He told us we have several options. We have tried everything to get pg that exist as of 2010, so now repeats might have to begin. He says is was last May since we did all of the serious surgeries, so he thinks come this May we would do them all over again, to remove cysts and the endometriosis and all. In the meantime he suggested going to the hospital and having the HSG dye test run again, to check for tubal blockage, cysts, etc. Then once we know the tubes are clear we could decide to try naturally, do future IUI rounds, or go for the "big guns" and try IVF again. Each has pros and cons...we would love to take meds and try naturally but the chances given our situation are extremely low, IUIs have a better success rate but still slim, knowing the past failed one was already #14 we think, IVF has the higest rate of success but the cost factor is astronomical to try 3 plus times in one year. So......for this month we have scheduled the HSG at Tucson Medical Hospital for next Thursday at 1:15, picked up a prescription of Clomid and are going totally on faith. We have a ski trip with a group planned for weekend after next and knew the IUI would fall when we were out of town, so we already figured this month would be our first break from the doc and shots in the past 18 months. We have hope God will bless our family, and pray for our future decision and steps toward children. IUI, IVF, natural next month???
We are thrilled with the progress our adoption has made and literally look back thinking if we could get a referral next month or get pg next month we would take the referral 10 times over knowing it is blessed and our path! Come hoem to us Ma-mush!
Today is one amazing day! Our dossier is in Ethiopia and literally the next thing we hear from Dove will be our referral for our son or sons!!! Woo-hoo!!!! Exciting!
On the bio front the story is a little longer....We went to the doc on Wed. and as we already knew had another upset knowing the last IUI was a failure. We had talked an prayed about what our next step was going to be so felt prepared for what we would tell the doc we wanted to do next. After the US he came back in and sat in the room with us to casually chat for a good amount of time. We felt much more comfortable, than the typical test and run approach. He told us we have several options. We have tried everything to get pg that exist as of 2010, so now repeats might have to begin. He says is was last May since we did all of the serious surgeries, so he thinks come this May we would do them all over again, to remove cysts and the endometriosis and all. In the meantime he suggested going to the hospital and having the HSG dye test run again, to check for tubal blockage, cysts, etc. Then once we know the tubes are clear we could decide to try naturally, do future IUI rounds, or go for the "big guns" and try IVF again. Each has pros and cons...we would love to take meds and try naturally but the chances given our situation are extremely low, IUIs have a better success rate but still slim, knowing the past failed one was already #14 we think, IVF has the higest rate of success but the cost factor is astronomical to try 3 plus times in one year. So......for this month we have scheduled the HSG at Tucson Medical Hospital for next Thursday at 1:15, picked up a prescription of Clomid and are going totally on faith. We have a ski trip with a group planned for weekend after next and knew the IUI would fall when we were out of town, so we already figured this month would be our first break from the doc and shots in the past 18 months. We have hope God will bless our family, and pray for our future decision and steps toward children. IUI, IVF, natural next month???
We are thrilled with the progress our adoption has made and literally look back thinking if we could get a referral next month or get pg next month we would take the referral 10 times over knowing it is blessed and our path! Come hoem to us Ma-mush!
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
RandaFit not CrossFit
Our precious angel doing her version of CrossFit, with what she calls her "lifters" (aka 5 lb kettlebell).
Monday, February 15, 2010
The great tattoo debate....
But when the fullness of the time had come, God sent forth His Son, born of a woman, born under the law, to redeem those who were under the law, that we might receive the adoption as sons.
Galatians 4:4-6
Father to the fatherless, defender of widows — this is God, whose dwelling is holy. God places the lonely in families.
Psalms 68:5-6
And anyone who welcomes a little child like this on my behalf is welcoming me.
Matthew 18:5
Galatians 4:4-6
Father to the fatherless, defender of widows — this is God, whose dwelling is holy. God places the lonely in families.
Psalms 68:5-6
And anyone who welcomes a little child like this on my behalf is welcoming me.
Matthew 18:5
Sunday, February 14, 2010
February 14th, 2010
Happy Valentine's Day! We were reminded today that the purpose of marriage is to "Showcase" God and bring glory to His name! We are hopeful we can keep that in the forefront of our mind on Valentine's and all days afterward!
We are still hopeful for this round, but are having a few physical symptoms that are hinting that it might have not worked. The most frustrating part is deciding the next step. Do we try another IUI, attempt to start IVF, go back on DepotLupron to take a break physically while we decide, stop fertility treatments all together? Our next doc appointment is Wednesday and we basically need to have our decision by then. Not enjoyable that we literally do not even have a day between rounds to let our mind and heart at peace. We will keep everyone updated on our progress and the results. Please pray for our peace and wisdom in the upcoming decision.
Happy Valentine's Day! We were reminded today that the purpose of marriage is to "Showcase" God and bring glory to His name! We are hopeful we can keep that in the forefront of our mind on Valentine's and all days afterward!
We are still hopeful for this round, but are having a few physical symptoms that are hinting that it might have not worked. The most frustrating part is deciding the next step. Do we try another IUI, attempt to start IVF, go back on DepotLupron to take a break physically while we decide, stop fertility treatments all together? Our next doc appointment is Wednesday and we basically need to have our decision by then. Not enjoyable that we literally do not even have a day between rounds to let our mind and heart at peace. We will keep everyone updated on our progress and the results. Please pray for our peace and wisdom in the upcoming decision.
Friday, February 12, 2010
February 12th, 2010
Yesterday was a HCG injection, first to ask Ty to help out with ever! I mixed the solutions, switched needles, and all, then Ty cleaned the injection site and then couldn't do the shot. How could I forget, I married a man who passes out at first aid videos.How in the world would he be able to give his wife a giant injection. So I had to spin around and do it myself. The doc called and my progesterone level was 19.9, good, so I will return to his office on Wednesday for more blood work and an US.
In class I was teaching my kids about possible outcomes and I brought a ton of ours sons clothes to build outfits as an example. The kids went wild, finally putting together that we are adopting. The sweetest little girl brought a gift with baby blankets and a congrats card the following day. I know God put me in their lives, and more often than not I feel like the impact they make on me is 10 fold mine.
In church we have been studying marriage in a sermon series in honor of Valentines. We have pledged to honor and respect marriage and stop the social complacency that we have fallen into. I challenge each of the Christian couples out there to do the same. I admit I have sung along to the Britney song who's lyrics are something like "are you in? living in sin is the new thing".....Society has taught us to accept friends and family living together before marriage, attend secular weddings, turn an eye to unfaithfulness, attend divorce parties, etc. When did we turn our backs to the perfect union God designed? We are clearly taught how it is supposed to be, and then we wonder why it doesn't work out for half the couples in America. We challenge couples out there to live in union with Christ, for that is what we are called to do. Our vows should be to our Lord not each other. We struggle with the social realm of marriage in our lives, connecting to our marriage in Christ, and believe Christian couples need to hold each other up in prayer and accountability. Challenge yourself.....it is a daily challenge for us! However, if our marriage is not based in faith and God's design what worldly desire is it grounded in?
Saturday, February 6, 2010
February 6th, 2009
We got the Visa information from the Ethiopian embassy back, so I assume once we have our referral we are legally ready to start moving. We also diligently completed grant #2 after getting our references back and sent that out today. Praying God's blessing over possible financial assistance. We have decided to play it safe this round of our IUIs. We try to live life normally and then have regrets about not obeying all the rules when the tests come back negative. So this month we are super healthy, no caffeine, careful at the gym, etc. Our new theme is "no regrets"! We are going to follow ever petty rules to a t hoping it could pay off! Our progesterone blood test is Tuesday and we are praying as usual. We love living in the peace knowing God is in control!
On a total side note...thank you for the prayers for my health...the silly parasite issue came back as a severe allergy to cats. What a relief! Plus we despise dirty cats anyway, so good excuse to never be around them! The chest x-rays and rib bulge are another story....we don't want to over concern anyone, so once we have further testing we will give an update. We are scheduling a pulmonary function assessment for week after next, and then will share details and prayer request! Tyler's solution is just to get my pregnant, then my big belly will push my heart back up!Even crazier....we are debating a bible verse on our call to adopt tattooed on us...for now a wild dream, but our passion and faith in His calling to adopt are igniting this desire in us to display that commitment.......just thinking.....
We got the Visa information from the Ethiopian embassy back, so I assume once we have our referral we are legally ready to start moving. We also diligently completed grant #2 after getting our references back and sent that out today. Praying God's blessing over possible financial assistance. We have decided to play it safe this round of our IUIs. We try to live life normally and then have regrets about not obeying all the rules when the tests come back negative. So this month we are super healthy, no caffeine, careful at the gym, etc. Our new theme is "no regrets"! We are going to follow ever petty rules to a t hoping it could pay off! Our progesterone blood test is Tuesday and we are praying as usual. We love living in the peace knowing God is in control!
On a total side note...thank you for the prayers for my health...the silly parasite issue came back as a severe allergy to cats. What a relief! Plus we despise dirty cats anyway, so good excuse to never be around them! The chest x-rays and rib bulge are another story....we don't want to over concern anyone, so once we have further testing we will give an update. We are scheduling a pulmonary function assessment for week after next, and then will share details and prayer request! Tyler's solution is just to get my pregnant, then my big belly will push my heart back up!Even crazier....we are debating a bible verse on our call to adopt tattooed on us...for now a wild dream, but our passion and faith in His calling to adopt are igniting this desire in us to display that commitment.......just thinking.....
Thursday, February 4, 2010
February 4th, 2009
We had our IUI yesterday and it went great in some areas and hard in others. We had a count of 146 million, and we don't recall the final after washing and spinning. We couldn't get over the 146 million part, so don't remember the other. 146 million is much more than we have ever had, so WHOOP for the numbers. The procedure was much more painful than ever before and was making me very light headed upon leaving. Like my little body was too overwhelmed with pain to move or breath. Now the 2 week window begins...full of NO DIET coke and pineapple for the implantation vitamins. Thank you for the prayers and concerns for health and our little future baby/babies.
On Ma-mush.... we were contacted by the National program director who now has reviewed out dossier to send to Ethiopia. They gave us a guided checklist and timeline for the next few months for referral, all the court appointments, embassy and immigration appointments and travel. Scary multiple page list, but too exciting to start checking off!
Love ya!
We had our IUI yesterday and it went great in some areas and hard in others. We had a count of 146 million, and we don't recall the final after washing and spinning. We couldn't get over the 146 million part, so don't remember the other. 146 million is much more than we have ever had, so WHOOP for the numbers. The procedure was much more painful than ever before and was making me very light headed upon leaving. Like my little body was too overwhelmed with pain to move or breath. Now the 2 week window begins...full of NO DIET coke and pineapple for the implantation vitamins. Thank you for the prayers and concerns for health and our little future baby/babies.
On Ma-mush.... we were contacted by the National program director who now has reviewed out dossier to send to Ethiopia. They gave us a guided checklist and timeline for the next few months for referral, all the court appointments, embassy and immigration appointments and travel. Scary multiple page list, but too exciting to start checking off!
Love ya!
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