Good evening!
Howdy to all my precious friends and family just as anxious and concerned as we have been, you guys a true gift. The silly goose teachers at my school came by to sing to my tummy and wish me well for the crazy afternoon ahead. Dr. Gelety called this afternoon with the results of yesterday. As expected he said the test came back negative, said I am sorry a bunch of times, and to stop the meds. Seconds later my adorable hubby called from Iraq to find the news. His voice all cracky, since he woke up in the middle of the night to be the first to hear the news. How hard that is to hear the disappointment in your husbands voice, when he is on the other side of the world fighting for our rights and freedom. However, just as we have always said we talked about the fact that God has a bigger plan, and following his will is more valuable than anything in our life. We agree there is a lesson to be learned, we are just searching for what that is. We are both at a point of peace with the results, but are looking ahead to the future. What is our next step.......Lupron, another surgery, IVF again, waiting, adoption. The scare part, and the exciting part is the unknown. In the past the doc always had a game plan, if this happens we will try we have gone through all the steps and possibilities of the plan. Therefore, the next step is very much up in the air. We will continue to keep everyone updated, however our Journey toward parenthood and a baby Johnson are still in full force. Thanks again for all your love, support, encouragement and prayers.
Friday, July 31, 2009
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
July 29th, 2009
We are excited and incredibly nervous for the test tomorrow afternoon. After the tummy aches and spotting, we have only faith left. I will have my blood drawn tomorrow at 3:30, and should hopefully know the results Friday afternoon sometime. I am sure regardless of the results there will be follow ups next week to confirm the positive or negative results, so the journey continues.....
We are excited and incredibly nervous for the test tomorrow afternoon. After the tummy aches and spotting, we have only faith left. I will have my blood drawn tomorrow at 3:30, and should hopefully know the results Friday afternoon sometime. I am sure regardless of the results there will be follow ups next week to confirm the positive or negative results, so the journey continues.....
Thursday, July 23, 2009
July 23rd, 2009
Another fabulous day in the mountains and back in the swing of middle school again. One exciting date to mention is we are just over 2/3 done with Ty's deployment..whoop! The doc called and said the blood test came back great and to come in next week for the pregnancy test. My worst fear came to fruition today though..again I had a tiny bit of spotting. Much less than last time and the doc said this is timing for implantation bleeding and it doesn't mean anything. After not believing him I spent all evening on the web, and seems like with IVF that is incredibly common so hope is not forgotten. If you would take the time to offer up a prayer for our concerns, health and hope for a little goose we would greatly appreciate it. We love you guys!
Another fabulous day in the mountains and back in the swing of middle school again. One exciting date to mention is we are just over 2/3 done with Ty's deployment..whoop! The doc called and said the blood test came back great and to come in next week for the pregnancy test. My worst fear came to fruition today though..again I had a tiny bit of spotting. Much less than last time and the doc said this is timing for implantation bleeding and it doesn't mean anything. After not believing him I spent all evening on the web, and seems like with IVF that is incredibly common so hope is not forgotten. If you would take the time to offer up a prayer for our concerns, health and hope for a little goose we would greatly appreciate it. We love you guys!
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
July 21st, 2009
Today was my blood test for progesterone level only, not a pregnancy test as many of you were led to believe. I had my blood taken, for like the 100th time, which I wish was an exaggeration. I have track marks as though I am up to something sketchy, which of course I am not. The sweet nurses love to chat with me, and had a million questions about my 2nd day back with the kiddos. Then, I headed to Francine's to get my progesterone injection. I will never get used to a needle that thick. Now when I have regular diameter injections I barely even feel it. She commented on how black and blue my booty is. I wish my booty had not grown such much, forget the black and blue. The massive hormone injections have packed on 10 pounds, not the dreaded 15 like expected, but bad enough. I will hopefully get the results early tomorrow to determine the amount of my injection tomorrow evening. Super hopeful and excited! But in the meantime I am head over heels for some of my precious angels, so as always they are my kiddos for now!
Saturday, July 18, 2009
July 18th, 2009
My mother, my little helper of the millennium, departed today so I am back to the single little life watching my embryos. The injections have been going better, with less and less oil leaking from the sites. Today I had a few tummy cramps, wishful thinking that implantation is happening possibly. Daddy to be(hopefully) is thrilled and loves to already talk and write as though he is a Pop! On another note, thank you for all those who expressed concerns for our family, Tyler is safe. Scary news when your hubby cant discuss the matter with his own wife, but thankfully it was all over the news. Pray for the families of those soldiers fighting for our freedom.
Friday, July 17, 2009
July 17th, 2009
After a long day of work being wheeled around in a wheelchair by my team mates, I feel more pregnant than ever. No my legs are not broken the doc simply suggested not excessive walking today, and given my humongous campus, I could have easily put in 10 miles walking today. Statistically I should have an embryo implant either today or tomorrow! Whoop!
After a long day of work being wheeled around in a wheelchair by my team mates, I feel more pregnant than ever. No my legs are not broken the doc simply suggested not excessive walking today, and given my humongous campus, I could have easily put in 10 miles walking today. Statistically I should have an embryo implant either today or tomorrow! Whoop!
Thursday, July 16, 2009
July 16th, 2009
Today we went to the doctor in the morning. The book keeper called me back right away and told me they had to do ICSI(injecting the eggs with the sperm) once again. Quite disappointing on many levels...our cells are not lovers as we once thought, another 4 figure check, as well as science play a big role in the conception as well. However, we are blessed with the gift of the ICSI technology. Then I went to the screening room, and the nurse suggested my mom come back with me. Dr. Gelety came in and said originally there were 5 eggs, one too immature to fertilize. The other 4 were fertilized via ICSI. Today he said 2 are beyond perfect the embryologist said, grade 5 of 5! Both healthy and perfect 8 cell, one 6 which looked like it would be 8 asap, and the last one still at 4. He led us to believe that the 2 were incredible, then he put them on the screen via microscope. He wasn't pulling our leg, 2 were perfect and round and wiggling around, the other still pretty good though. We decided to implant all 3. I went into the operating room and they put the little guys in. He kept calling them my little guys, then corrected himself that they could be little gals. I was a little worried because the catheter for all the treatments has been super painful going in so I held my breath. This time I felt NOTHING! I was worried they did something wrong, Tyler insists my body was ready and they were doing in right finally! He told me he honestly thinks the embryos look much better than last time, and that the chance is really good. He said bed rest for Today, easy Friday and back to a slow life on Saturday. He warned that I better not be hitting the gym, because he thinks I should be pregnant on Saturday. I made a blood test appointment for Tuesday...oh great the 2nd day of school and i need to leave at the bell!!! The injections went great, less fluid came out than previously. We are both feeling very confident and blessed to even have been given the opportunity! You prayers are heard!
Today we went to the doctor in the morning. The book keeper called me back right away and told me they had to do ICSI(injecting the eggs with the sperm) once again. Quite disappointing on many levels...our cells are not lovers as we once thought, another 4 figure check, as well as science play a big role in the conception as well. However, we are blessed with the gift of the ICSI technology. Then I went to the screening room, and the nurse suggested my mom come back with me. Dr. Gelety came in and said originally there were 5 eggs, one too immature to fertilize. The other 4 were fertilized via ICSI. Today he said 2 are beyond perfect the embryologist said, grade 5 of 5! Both healthy and perfect 8 cell, one 6 which looked like it would be 8 asap, and the last one still at 4. He led us to believe that the 2 were incredible, then he put them on the screen via microscope. He wasn't pulling our leg, 2 were perfect and round and wiggling around, the other still pretty good though. We decided to implant all 3. I went into the operating room and they put the little guys in. He kept calling them my little guys, then corrected himself that they could be little gals. I was a little worried because the catheter for all the treatments has been super painful going in so I held my breath. This time I felt NOTHING! I was worried they did something wrong, Tyler insists my body was ready and they were doing in right finally! He told me he honestly thinks the embryos look much better than last time, and that the chance is really good. He said bed rest for Today, easy Friday and back to a slow life on Saturday. He warned that I better not be hitting the gym, because he thinks I should be pregnant on Saturday. I made a blood test appointment for Tuesday...oh great the 2nd day of school and i need to leave at the bell!!! The injections went great, less fluid came out than previously. We are both feeling very confident and blessed to even have been given the opportunity! You prayers are heard!
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
July 15th, 2009
Yo! Absolutely nothing to new to inform you of, but we are excited for tomorrow. Today after talking to my teaching partner about my hubby's fear of me going to open house after the transfer, my principal came to my room. My precious partner went to the principal and explain to her how important the transfer was and how my husband was afraid for the risk of entertaining parents afterward. The principal said under no circumstances should i come to open house...what a relief. Now I need to initiate a relationship with my kiddos and families another way, but as my partner said, "my babies feet need to be firmly planted first". We are excited for tomorrow and ask for your prayers!
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
July 14th, 2009
Wow first day back at school was a wild one, specifically with how sore I was, but doing much better now. Getting back into the swing of things might be just what I need. My mom helped to clean and decorate the classroom which helped out a ton. The injections, which i gave myself, went good. One thing with the oil is it sometimes a little dribble trickles out of the injection site and scares me. If anyone has tips on how to prevent that I would love to hear, because i keep over estimating my dosage to make up the dribble of a difference. We are excited and looking forward all we have in store.
Monday, July 13, 2009
July 13th, 2009
Good evening!
The surgery was bright and early this morning. After entering the operating room, it was like seconds before I was out. Surprisingly this time I did not talk too much, try to escape and cant even remember them dressing me or going to the recovery room at all. The procedure took about half the amount of time as previously. The trip home was unpleasant. I was incredibly hot and overheating and more nauseous than probably ever. I sat by the toilet for quote a while, but never got sick. Then I got in bed and was fast out for like 5 hours. We were lazy this afternoon and watched movies and took it easy. I called the doc this afternoon to check and make sure I knew all what was supposed to happen in the future and see how today went. Good and bad news....the procedure went well and the eggs are healthy and mature, but only 4. I was stunned last time we had either 5 or 6, and we doubled my meds this round and made 4. Scary but still exciting. I had my first progesterone injection this evening. The injection is oil and the needle is huge, so this set of injections is by far the most painful. I return to school tomorrow and I have 2 days until the transfer. Please Pray for our little embryos and their health. We are excited, anxious, faithful, nervous, joyful, scared all at the same time. The excitement for a baby Johnson is increasing!
The surgery was bright and early this morning. After entering the operating room, it was like seconds before I was out. Surprisingly this time I did not talk too much, try to escape and cant even remember them dressing me or going to the recovery room at all. The procedure took about half the amount of time as previously. The trip home was unpleasant. I was incredibly hot and overheating and more nauseous than probably ever. I sat by the toilet for quote a while, but never got sick. Then I got in bed and was fast out for like 5 hours. We were lazy this afternoon and watched movies and took it easy. I called the doc this afternoon to check and make sure I knew all what was supposed to happen in the future and see how today went. Good and bad news....the procedure went well and the eggs are healthy and mature, but only 4. I was stunned last time we had either 5 or 6, and we doubled my meds this round and made 4. Scary but still exciting. I had my first progesterone injection this evening. The injection is oil and the needle is huge, so this set of injections is by far the most painful. I return to school tomorrow and I have 2 days until the transfer. Please Pray for our little embryos and their health. We are excited, anxious, faithful, nervous, joyful, scared all at the same time. The excitement for a baby Johnson is increasing!
Sunday, July 12, 2009
July 12th,2009 actually the right date this time
Today was odd, because I dropped down from 3 or 4 injections a day to 0. I had my final and only Ovidrel injection last night at 10:30, which should hopefully spawn my eggs into action. I had to post a picture of it because it is refrigerated, glass and specially encased in an injection for a queen! We had a great time worshipping today and truthfully felt His presence! We are excited for tomorrow! I am scheduled to be in the room at 8:00, and totally out of it quickly after. Not too hard to knock me out after I pay the IVF bill tomorrow. They should just show me the IVF bill and let me pass out naturally from shock. How amazing how God has provided and planned for this. Tyler and I talked, and if in the future we are financially blessed we would love to sponsor a family int heir IVF procedures who would not be able to afford it otherwise.I will try and updated everyone on tomorrows procedure, how many eggs we retrieved and my current health. Thank you for your prayers and concerns, we are blessed by our relationships with each of you.
Saturday, July 11, 2009
July 12th,2009
Trust involves letting go and knowing God will catch you. -James Dobson
Wow life is moving full speed ahead. Tyler and I celebrated another anniversary, none of which we have been able to spend in the same state yet, but still full of love and a life long commitment. This morning I injected my last Lupron, Menopur and Merional shots. Now we have the Ovidrel injection at midnight and then bring on the babies. Monday at 8:00 am is the surgery to retrive eggs, and my US guaranteed a minimum of 6 again yesterday. My Progesterone blood work yesterday was in the 700s which looked great as well. Then, Thursday at 9:45 is the embryo transfer. We are praying for healthy little embryos to become a baby Johnson in this next week. Amazing to think that a week from now I could be pregnant!!! Please keep us n your thoughts and prayers. God listens!
Wow life is moving full speed ahead. Tyler and I celebrated another anniversary, none of which we have been able to spend in the same state yet, but still full of love and a life long commitment. This morning I injected my last Lupron, Menopur and Merional shots. Now we have the Ovidrel injection at midnight and then bring on the babies. Monday at 8:00 am is the surgery to retrive eggs, and my US guaranteed a minimum of 6 again yesterday. My Progesterone blood work yesterday was in the 700s which looked great as well. Then, Thursday at 9:45 is the embryo transfer. We are praying for healthy little embryos to become a baby Johnson in this next week. Amazing to think that a week from now I could be pregnant!!! Please keep us n your thoughts and prayers. God listens!
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
July 8th, 2009
Be imitators of God! Ephesians 5:1a
Just a quick note to tell everyone how great everything is going. I/We have mastered giving the 4 vials at morning and night, as well as m Lupron to the tummy. Yesterday I had an appointment and had my blood drawn. My estrogen level was 210 which they said was perfect. The Ultrasound went "Pretty good". My uterus and lining are better than ever, however we only counted 6 follicles as of now. Good enough since last time we even had less, but not nearly what we hoped with almost doubling the injections. The doc is estimating the egg retrieval surgery to be Monday or Tuesday and the embryo transfer on Thursday or Friday. We are working to arrange my mom to fly back out. We are beyond thrilled and excited. We feel this round has been a huge relief and at no point have we been stressed or worried like last round when everything was so new. Tyler is excited to welcome a spring baby Johnson! We are excited to see what God has in store and everyday learn more about our intimacy with Him, our marriage and ever growing faith in time of dependence.
Just a quick note to tell everyone how great everything is going. I/We have mastered giving the 4 vials at morning and night, as well as m Lupron to the tummy. Yesterday I had an appointment and had my blood drawn. My estrogen level was 210 which they said was perfect. The Ultrasound went "Pretty good". My uterus and lining are better than ever, however we only counted 6 follicles as of now. Good enough since last time we even had less, but not nearly what we hoped with almost doubling the injections. The doc is estimating the egg retrieval surgery to be Monday or Tuesday and the embryo transfer on Thursday or Friday. We are working to arrange my mom to fly back out. We are beyond thrilled and excited. We feel this round has been a huge relief and at no point have we been stressed or worried like last round when everything was so new. Tyler is excited to welcome a spring baby Johnson! We are excited to see what God has in store and everyday learn more about our intimacy with Him, our marriage and ever growing faith in time of dependence.
Friday, July 3, 2009
July 3rd, 2009
Howdy! This morning we traveled to the Post office super early to pick up my box of European meds before my doc appointment. They had arrived while we were in San Diego and waiting for pick up. I had to take a picture after seeing how many little boxes with 2 vials each there were. The ultrasound went great. Dr. G did ask why I was super dosing the drugs. I explained his partner Marta had prescribed that amount, and he looked quite stunned. I reminded him of how few eggs we got last time, and he thinks that is why we are doing so many. I hope they communicate better from here on out. While I was there they gave me my 4 vials this morning, then drew permanent marker all over my booty to remind Francine where to stab from here on out. Francine is coming over this evening for the other 4! He knows the gym rat I am, and told me to not panic when I start packing on the pounds. Supposedly the injections have a known side effect of weight gain, which can be severe...15 pounds typically in 9 days. But last round was only we will see what happens! Tyler said for our anniversary next week he hopes we are blessed with a baby Johnson! We are thankful for your continued support and prayers! Love ya!
Thursday, July 2, 2009
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